How to maintain landscape lights?

by:ALLTOP      2021-02-24
How to maintain landscape lights? u003cbru003e u003cbru003e u003cbru003e u003cbru003e u003cbru003e u003cbru003eWith the development of the times, landscape lights have gradually become a very important existence in our lives. With landscape lights, the city square at night becomes more dazzling, and the pool at night can also see the fish swimming. It can be seen the importance of landscape lights to the current city. So how should the landscape light be maintained? u003cbru003e u003cbru003e1. Develop a maintenance plan, regular and fixed-point maintenance. In many cases, although people want to maintain the landscape lights, they always forget, or when they think of it, they can repair them. In fact, landscape lights need regular maintenance, and random maintenance is not very effective. u003cbru003e u003cbru003e2. Set the repair telephone number. It can be found that sometimes passers-by accidentally find that there is a problem with the landscape lamp but do not know who to tell who to repair it. Therefore, setting the repair telephone and arranging people to take turns on duty can avoid the serious damage of the landscape lamp without repair for a long time. u003cbru003e u003cbru003e3. Check the cabinet regularly to ensure that the cabinet is intact and no water penetrates. Check regularly and make a record. Do not damage other parts of the cabinet during the check. u003cbru003e u003cbru003e4. Establish an inspection website to make the maintenance system timely. When the network detects that there is a problem with the landscape light in any place, it can send someone to deal with it in time to avoid the situation that the landscape light is damaged if it is not processed for a long time.
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