How smart street lights were born and where are their advantages-ALLTOP-img

How smart street lights were born and where are their advantages

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13
According to the calculations of relevant world organizations, the current global street lamp holdings are about 304 million, and will reach 352 million by 2025. Taking London as an example, the annual power consumption of street lighting is as high as 56 million kWh (according to calculations, the number of street lamps in London is about 35,000, based on 400W high-pressure sodium lamps), huge energy consumption plus manual inspection The expenses for inspection and maintenance are huge.

   street lighting is an indispensable public facility in people's daily life. It is understood that the electricity consumption of street lighting in my country at that time accounted for about 15% of the total. In the face of the serious situation of power supply, traditional LED energy saving can no longer meet the needs of large-scale power saving; manual control and street lamp inspection are also tasks that require a lot of manpower and material resources. More powerful management methods and energy-saving plans have now become the focus of attention of management departments.

   There are many problems with traditional street lights, such as:

  1. Manual, light control, clock control: easily affected by the season, climate, natural environment and human factors, it is often not on when it should be on, and when it should be off, it will not be off, which constitutes a waste of power and a financial burden.

  2. Can't remotely correct the switch light time: Can not adjust the time and correct the light switch time according to the actual situation (climate changes, major events, festivals) in time, nor can the LED light be dimmed, and the secondary energy saving cannot be completed. .

  3. No street lamp status monitoring: The main reason for the shortcomings is the reports from inspectors and citizens' complaints. It lacks initiative, timeliness and reliability, and cannot monitor the running status of street lights in the city in real time, accurately and comprehensively.

  4. General manual inspection: The management department lacks the ability of joint scheduling, and can only adjust one by one power distribution cabinet, which not only takes time and effort, but also increases the possibility of human error. [The above content is organized and released by Wisdom for you]
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