Top ten cross-border mergers and acquisitions in the first half of 2016: Who is the bull enterprise

Top ten cross-border mergers and acquisitions in the first half of 2016: Who is the 'bull enterprise '?

by:ALLTOP      2020-02-14
In the first half of 2016, the LED industry M & A drama continued to be staged. In addition to the integration of mergers and acquisitions for the upstream and downstream of the LED industry chain, it also continued to extend its reach to other fields such as education, media, and the Internet, including many major acquisition cases. This article counts the top 10 cross-border mergers and acquisitions in the first half of 2016 from the aspect of the amount of M & A investment. In the first half of 2016, the LED industry M & A drama continued to be staged. In addition to the integration of mergers and acquisitions for the upstream and downstream of the LED industry chain, it also continued to extend its reach to other fields such as education, media, and the Internet, including many major acquisition cases. This article counts the top 10 cross-border mergers and acquisitions in the first half of 2016 from the aspect of the amount of M & A investment. 1. Dongshan Precision plans to acquire MFLX, a US listed company, in 4 billion to enter FPC Market. Dongshan Precision released a major asset purchase report on April 20. The company merged MFLX, a US Nasdaq listed company, in cash through overseas subsidiaries. According to the merger agreement, MFLX's combined consideration per share is 23. 95 US dollars, the total transaction price is expected to be 6. $0. 1 billion (About 39. 8. 4 billion yuan). MFLX is a professional flexible circuit board (FPC)And flexible circuit components (FPCA) One of the big suppliers, the operating income mainly comes from the mobile market, and the terminal products include smart phones, tablets and home electronic products. If MFLX is successfully acquired, Dongshan Precision will become the name of domestic FPC manufacturer, both in terms of market share and technical capability. The company's business layout has been further improved and its competitiveness has been greatly improved. 2. Qinshang Optoelectronics plans to acquire Guangzhou Longwen layout education service industry by 2 billion. Qinshang Optoelectronics announced on January 3 that it plans to purchase 14. 16 yuan/share issue 1. 0. 6 billion shares, and paid 0. 5 billion yuan in cash, totaling 2 billion yuan, to acquire 100 of Guangzhou Longwen Education Technology Co. , Ltd. Guangzhou Longwen has an early layout and high brand reputation in the domestic K12 education industry. After the transaction is completed, the company will further expand the national chain teaching network, form an online and offline education platform, and steadily increase the brand and market share. The acquisition of Guangzhou Longwen by qinshang Optoelectronics will cut into the broad market of K12, enhance the profitability of the company's core capital, and realize the dual main business layout of semiconductor lighting products and K12 counseling services. 3. Delta Power spent more than 1. 6 billion yuan to buy two overseas intelligent building companies. At the end of April, Delta Power spent more than 8 billion yuan (New Taiwan dollar, about 1. 6 billion yuan), Purchased 2 building automation companies. Delta Electronics and LOYTEC jointly announced that Delta Electronics International (Singapore)Pte. Ltd. The contract was signed on April 28 at 72 million yuan (About NT $2. 6 billion) To obtain the shares of Loy Tecelectronics GmbH and Innocontrol electronics GmbH, the transaction will be carried out in two phases. After signing the contract, 85 shares will be acquired first, and the remaining 15 shares will be acquired in the future. At the same time, Delta Power and Delta ControlsI nc. Complete the signing process of the purchase contract and sign the contract to purchase the operating assets of the company's building automation business. At present, the total transaction amount is about 2 Canadian dollars. 0. 2 billion yuan (About NT $5. 5 billion)This transaction is expected to be completed by the end of May. Hai Yingjun, chairman of Delta, said that mergers and acquisitions are part of Delta's current growth strategy. Building automation is an industry with high development potential and is consistent with Delta's core competence and focus on environmental protection and energy conservation, it will become one of the kinetic energy of Delta's rapid growth. 4. Remote photoelectric simulation 10. 0. 2 billion acquisition of Vere technology and entry into the field of biometric information security on February 1, faraway Optoelectronics announced the reorganization plan, with a plan of 10. 0. 2 billion yuan to buy Zou Jianjun, Hang Seng electronics and other 18 trading partners held 100 equity of Vere technology, of which issued shares to pay 7. 1. 4 billion yuan, cash payment 3. RMB 0. 6 billion. At the same time, faraway Optoelectronics plans to issue shares to no more than 5 specific investors including the controlling shareholder and actual controller pan Jiangen to raise matching funds of no more than 0. 3 billion yuan, among them, Pan Jiangen promised that the subscription amount should not be less than 20, which is mainly used to build the production base of biometric information security products and the research and development center project, meet the future expansion of several major businesses such as transportation, finance, military industry and public safety. 5, Lehman shares are intended to be priced 7. 0. 8 billion acquisition of Lehman shares of China Vision New Culture Company announced on April 11 that the company intends to purchase 100 of the shares of China Vision New Culture Company jointly held by China Vision Media and HD investment company through a combination of issuing shares and paying cash. The assessed value of 100 equity of Huashi new culture, the target asset of this transaction, is 78,082. 420 thousand yuan, after negotiation between the two parties, the transaction price is 78,000. RMB 0 thousand. After the completion of this reorganization, the listed companies can make use of the coordination between the LED advertising media resources in the existing main sports business and the subway TV media resources in terms of sales channels, management experience, technical personnel, etc, to further promote the implementation of the sports Main business strategy of listed companies, at the same time, relying on the subway TV media, the sports media resources will be effectively extended to achieve the overall effective improvement of the economic benefits of sports and subway media business.
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