ISO certification introduction-ALLTOP-img

ISO certification introduction

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-07
Introduction to ISO Certification ISO is an International Organization for Standardization whose members are composed of national standardization bodies from many countries in the world. The national agency representing China to participate in ISO is the China State Technical Supervision Bureau (CSBTS). ISO has close ties with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and China's national agency participating in the IEC is also the State Technical Supervision Bureau. ISO and IEC as a whole are responsible for the task of formulating globally agreed international standards. Both ISO and IEC are non-governmental organizations. The standards they formulate are essentially voluntary, which means that these standards must be excellent standards. It will bring benefits to industry and service industries, so they consciously use these standards. ISO and IEC are not United Nations agencies, but they maintain technical liaison with many specialized agencies of the United Nations. ISO and IEC have about professional technical committees and sub-committees, Member states participate in the activities of these technical committees and sub-committees on a national basis. ISO and IEC also have about a working group, ISO and IEC formulate and revise an international standard every year. The content of the standard covers a wide range, from basic fasteners, bearings, various raw materials to semi-finished products and finished products, and its technical fields involve information technology, transportation, agriculture, health care and the environment. Each work organization has its own work plan, which lists the standard items (test methods, terminology, specifications, performance requirements, etc.) that need to be formulated. The main function of ISO is to provide a mechanism for people to formulate international standards and reach consensus. Its main institutions and operating rules are stipulated in a document called ISO/IEC Technical Work Guidelines. The technical structure of ISO is a technical committee and sub-committees, each of which has a chairman and a secretariat, and a secretary. The offices are held by each member country. Currently, there is a member organization that undertakes the work of the secretary country, and each secretariat maintains direct contact with the ISO Central Secretariat in Geneva. Through these working institutions, ISO has issued a number of international standards, such as ISO metric thread, ISO A paper size, ISO container series (currently% of the world’s shipping containers comply with ISO standards), ISO film speed codes, ISO’s Open System Interconnection (OS) series (widely used in the field of information technology) and the well-known ISO quality management series standards. In addition, ISO also has liaison relations with various international and regional organizations in terms of standards, especially with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). There are a total of international standards bodies outside the ISO/IEC system. Each agency sets some international standards in a certain field, and they are usually under the control of the United Nations. A typical example is the World Health Organization (WHO). ISO/IEC established the% international standard, and the remaining% is formulated by this other international standard organization. ISO certification introduction
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