CCC certification validity and expiration precautions-ALLTOP-img

CCC certification validity and expiration precautions

by:ALLTOP      2020-03-01
What is CCC Certification: CCC Certification is China's 'Compulsory product Certification system', English name 'China Compulsory Certification', abbreviated as CCC, its Certification mark is 'CCC '. The state has formulated the CCC certification product catalogue, which requires that the products in the catalogue must be subject to mandatory testing and auditing. For products that do not meet the standards certified by CQC institutions and products that do not obtain CCC certification, they are not allowed to appear, sell, import or export or operate. Valid period of CCC certification: the valid period of CCC certification certificate is 5 years. The certification institution shall, according to its tracking and inspection of the certified products and their manufacturing enterprises, the inquiry website and telephone number indicating the effective status of the annual inspection on the certification certificate shall be examined annually. If the validity period of the certification certificate expires and it needs to be used continuously, the certification client shall apply for it within 90 days before the expiration of the validity period of the certification certificate. Consequences of CCC certification expiration: compulsory certification is to emphasize that products that pass certification and fail to pass certification cannot be delivered or sold even if they are qualified, according to Article 4 of the provisions on the administration of compulsory product certification, the state shall unify the product catalogue (Hereinafter referred to as the Directory) , Unify the mandatory requirements, standards and conformity assessment procedures of technical specifications, unify certification marks and unify charging standards. 49th article listed in the catalog of products without certification without authorization factory, sales, import or in other management activities in 'with of by place quality inspection two bureau in accordance with the certification and accreditation regulations 67th article provisions be punishment. 50th article listed in the catalog of products after certification after don't, in accordance with the statutory conditions, engage in production management activities or production, not meet the legal requirements of products, the local quality inspection bureaus shall deal with it in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 and paragraph 2 of Article 3 of the special provisions of the State Council on Strengthening the Supervision and Administration of Food and other products. Article 51st, products that do not meet the certification requirements during the cancellation, revocation or suspension of the certification certificate in violation of the provisions of the second paragraph of article 29th, continue to factory, sales, import or in other management activities in 'with of by place quality inspection two bureau in accordance with the certification and accreditation regulations 67th article provisions be punishment. 67th article listed in the catalog of products without certification without authorization factory, sales, import or in other management activities in 'with of ordered to correct the 50 thousand yuan more than 200 thousand yuan the following of fine, if there is illegal income, the illegal income shall be confiscated. If there is a problem with the certification enterprise or product during the validity period, the certification authority can suspend, revoke, or cancel the certificate. During the certificate suspension period, the enterprise can restore the validity of the certificate through relevant rectification. If the certificate is generally canceled or revoked, it cannot be restored to valid. After the certificate expires, the certification enterprise can apply for a certificate extension and will generally re-issue the certificate with a validity period of 5 years. The certificate number remains unchanged. CCC certification cancellation items: 1. The certification certificate expires, and the certification client does not apply for extension of use; 2. The certification client/manufacturer shall voluntarily give up the maintenance of the certification certificate if the certified products are no longer produced due to bankruptcy, bankruptcy, dissolution, adjustment of production structure, etc. of the enterprise; 3. The certified product model has been listed in the product catalogue that is explicitly eliminated or prohibited by the state; 4. The authentication client applies for cancellation; 5. Other situations in which the certification certificate should be canceled. When the CCC certificate expires, the application for certificate extension Notes: 1. If the CCC certificate holder needs to continue the legal validity of the CCC certificate, it must be 3 natural months before the expiration of the CCC certificate (60 working days)Apply for CCC certificate renewal upon expiration. 2. Turn in the original CCC certificate and renew the new CCC certificate. If the original CCC certificate has been lost, you can change the certificate in CCC certificate- Fill in the application form for expired certificate replacement. 3. If the number of CCC certificate replacement applications is more than 2, you can attach pages. Similar products from the same manufacturer can be filled in one application form. According to the original certificate copies the charge. 4. Enterprises outside China can use mail (ccc @ china-ccc-certification. com) How to inquire when applying for CCC certification: after obtaining CCC certification, the products can be found on the official website of China Quality Certification Center; Query steps: 1. Log on to the official website of CQC and enter the certificate number on the following pages; 2. After entering the number, click query; 3, enter the verification code, and confirm the query, you can query the CCC certificate status.
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