What are the reasons for the poor heat dissipation performance of LED street lights-ALLTOP-img

What are the reasons for the poor heat dissipation performance of LED street lights?

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13

In today's increasingly scarce energy, saving energy is the responsibility of each of us. In response to the call for energy saving and emission reduction, many street lamp manufacturers have replaced traditional high-pressure sodium lamps with more energy-saving LED street lamps in urban street lamp renovation projects. However, the quality of LED street lights on the market is uneven, and LED street lights in many places will not turn on brightly. After all, the reason for this phenomenon is the poor heat dissipation performance of LED street lights. When the heat dissipation performance is poor, the internal temperature of the LED lamp will be too high. When the temperature of the LED increases, its junction resistance decreases, resulting in a decrease in the turn-on voltage. Under the same voltage condition, the increase in the internal temperature of the LED lamp will cause the LED current to increase. The increase in current will further increase the temperature, which will cause the evil cycle to burn the LED chip. Moreover, the internal temperature of the LED street lamp is too high, which will also increase the light decay of the LED chip, which will cause the phenomenon of bright but not bright in the near future. So what causes the poor heat dissipation performance of LED street lights?

1. The quality of LED street lights
The LED chip used has poor thermal conductivity, and the temperature of the LED die cannot be transferred to the surface (heating inside and cooling outside). Even if a radiator is added, the internal heat cannot be dissipated. Secondly, the internal heat of some LED street lamps Add a radiator.
2. Temperature rise caused by LED street lamp power supply
The quality of the power supply of LED street lights is not good. When the LED is turned on, the nonlinearity of the power supply and the weak change of the power supply will cause the current through the LED chip to increase, resulting in excessive internal temperature and affecting the heat dissipation performance of the LED street light.
As mentioned above, the main reason for the poor heat dissipation performance of LED street lamps is the quality of the LED chip and the driving power supply. Therefore, for our buyers, when purchasing LED street lights, we must emphasize to the street light manufacturers to choose high-quality LED chips and power supplies, and not to be cheap. After all, high-quality products are definitely not very cheap. If they are very cheap, then There is a problem.

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