The solar lawn lights used now all use led light sources, so that its advantages can be much more than other light sources. The light color rendering of led solar lawn lights is higher than that of high pressure sodium lights. The color rendering index of high pressure sodium lights is only about 23, while the color rendering index of solar lawn lights can reach more than 75. From the perspective of visual psychology, it can reach the same brightness and the illuminance of solar lawn lights. On average, it can be reduced by more than 20% than high-pressure sodium lamps. Moreover, at the intermediate visual level, the human eye can distinguish things more easily in a high color temperature environment than in a low color temperature environment, avoiding certain dangerous states. The light decay of outdoor solar lawn lights is small, less than 3% in one year, and it can still meet the illumination requirements for road use after 10 years of use. Therefore, solar lawn lights can be designed with lower power than high-pressure sodium lamps. When connecting the solar lawn light controller, you should try to use a waterproof controller to ensure long-term stability while preventing users from changing the lighting time at will. If a non-waterproof controller is used, the wiring terminal should be facing down and the wiring should be bent into a U-shape to prevent water from entering the controller from the line. For more industry information or product prices, you can call toll free: 4000-760-286