Smart WIFI system for smart street lights-ALLTOP-img

Smart WIFI system for smart street lights

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13
Recently, the 4th China WiFi Industry Summit was grandly held in Baima Lake, Hangzhou. The theme of this conference was 'For a wirelessly connected world'. Many WiFi industry-related companies and personnel focused on commercial WiFi operations, wireless network construction, Internet of Things and wireless In the field of urban development, everyone talked about the future development and direction of smart wifi.
In terms of smart wifi, electronic smart street lights creatively link wireless WiFi with street lights, laying a solid cornerstone for the construction of big data in smart cities.
The Wisdom WiFi of Wisdom Street Lights is developing very rapidly now, and next year will be a good momentum for Wi-Fi development. WiFi has penetrated into various fields, WiFi is ubiquitous, and the smart WiFi of smart street light poles has been favored by the majority of users. According to statistics in June 2016, the number of mobile Internet users is 700 million, and access to the Internet through WiFi has reached 93%. In other words, the Internet will be the largest portal as well as the largest data portal. The smart WiFi of smart street lights penetrates into various fields with the advantages of convenience, stability, speed, low cost, and flexible networking, and has also played a very important role. It has successfully changed people's lifestyles.

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