Where is the smart street lamp reflected in the smart park-ALLTOP-img

Where is the smart street lamp reflected in the smart park

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13
With the gradual acceleration of the development of smart cities, the smartness of the park is gradually reflected. The intelligence of the smart park relies on the development of the Internet of Things. The development of the Internet of Things is inseparable from big data. The specific collection of data requires a lot of related equipment. The separate use of equipment previously wasted social resources. The presentation handles this problem well. At present, the utility of smart street lights is mainly reflected in the following: environmental detection and monitoring. Display function, smart charging, one-button alarm, 5G base station, broadcasting, lighting and other functions. A lot of data collection in the smart park can be done through smart street lights.

The development of    smart street lights not only provides a carrier for the intelligence of the park, but also saves a lot of resources for the construction of public facilities in the park. For example, the previous video surveillance, display screens, and environmental detection all require independent carriers. The presentation of street lights has completed a multi-purpose.

   From this aspect, it saves a lot of carrier resources. The lighting system of the smart street lamp is more intelligent. It can control the power of the light source according to the brightness and darkness of time and space to complete smart dimming, which not only satisfies the park The demand for lighting also saves power. With the spread of electric vehicles, the spread of charging piles is now imminent. The smart charging system carried by the smart street lamp makes up for this lack. This problem can be handled well without building a large area of u200bu200bcharging pile stations in the park. To sum up: The embodiment of smart street lights in the smart park is very important. It not only becomes an important carrier for collecting data, but also saves specific social resources and power for the development of the park, thereby better promoting the economic reconciliation of the park exhibition.
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