When choosing solar panels, what are the key points to pay attention to-ALLTOP-img

When choosing solar panels, what are the key points to pay attention to

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13

With the advancement of solar technology, solar products are used more and more widely. Our street lamp industry is no exception. Now solar street lamps have been used in most rural areas in China. When we buy solar street lights, we generally only pay attention to the choice of solar batteries and LED lamps. We often ignore the choice of solar panels. In fact, we have to pay attention to choosing solar panels. We should focus on choosing solar panels. The following two points:

When we buy solar cells, the focus of our attention is the power of solar cells. Generally speaking, the power of solar panels is proportional to the area of u200bu200bsolar wafers. The area of u200bu200bthe solar panel is not exactly the same as the area of u200bu200bthe solar packaging panel, because although some solar panels are large, the gaps between the single-chip arrays are very wide, and the power of such solar panels is not necessarily high.
Generally speaking, the greater the power of the solar panel, the better, so that the current generated in the sun is large, and its built-in battery can be fully charged quickly. But in reality, it is necessary to find a balance between the power of solar panels and the portability of solar chargers. It is generally believed that the minimum power of the solar charger cannot be lower than .w, and the sub-power solar panel generates mA current under standard strong light. The current generated under normal sunlight is about mA. If the charging current is too small below the secondary power, there will be basically no obvious effect.

In short, solar street light is a comprehensive system, and all components should be reasonably configured according to parameters to achieve the best use of solar street light. And when we choose, we should not only pay attention to solar street light controllers, solar batteries and LED light sources, but also pay attention to the choice of solar street light panels, because solar panels are a component that directly affects the power generation efficiency of solar roads, and the power generation efficiency affects the power generation efficiency. The amount of electricity stored in the battery will affect the overall lighting effect of the solar street light.

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