What is the wholesale price of solar street lights and what is it related to?

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13

When it comes to street lights, everyone should be very familiar with it, because it is very common in towns and villages. Traditional street lights are generally powered by electricity, but in recent years, due to environmental protection and With the advancement of technology, the market share of solar street lights is increasing. In many places, traditional street lights are replaced with solar street lights. Solar street lights are generally purchased in large quantities. Then, what is the wholesale price of solar street lights? Let's take everyone to understand!

What is the wholesale price of solar street lights? In fact, due to the different parameters and specifications, the price of solar street lights also has a relatively large difference. The price of solar street lights with general specifications may only cost three to four hundred yuan, while the price of solar street lights with higher specifications can reach eight or nine hundred yuan.
But in fact, the price of common street lamps in our daily life is around 600 to 700 yuan. This type of solar street lamps are generally composed of solar panels and several sets of bulbs or led lights. Most of them The height is five meters or six meters. The common solar street lights in cities are mostly composed of several groups of bulbs and are generally divided into two headlights to illuminate the sidewalk and motor vehicle lanes respectively. The road conditions in rural areas are relatively simple, so the general street lights often only illuminate the motor vehicle lanes, but because the parameter specifications are not much different, the price difference is not particularly obvious.

What is the wholesale price of solar street lights? I can answer everyone directly. The current common price on the market is around 600 to 700 yuan. If your requirements are higher, you can buy the price of 8.9 hundred yuan, but for ordinary daily needs, you can buy the common ones. It's okay.

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