What is intelligent lamp and the characteristics of the traffic lights-ALLTOP-img

What is intelligent lamp and the characteristics of the traffic lights?

by:ALLTOP      2021-02-01
What are characteristics of intelligent traffic lights? Intelligent traffic signal characteristic is: automatic, intelligent, human nature! Traffic lights in addition to the traffic lights, led street lamp accessories also have yellow lights, traffic lights green become yellow light first commonly, line pressing or has crossed the line

what is the characteristic of intelligent traffic light? Intelligent traffic light has the characteristics of automation, intelligent and humanization. In addition to the traffic lights, led street light fittings also has a yellow light. Traffic light green usually first into a yellow light. Press or across the line of the vehicle can get through it. At the crossroads is empty after a few seconds, they will become a red light. At the same time, on the other side of the intersection will become green. At present, the newly installed lights generally adopts the intelligent dynamic control, which every intersection based on traffic flow to control the length of each light.
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