What impact will continuous haze weather have on the use of solar street lights

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13

Nowadays, my country’s new rural construction project has come to an end. Solar street lights do not require electricity bills, are economical and environmentally friendly, and have certain economic benefits when used for a long time, so they are vigorously used in rural areas. Nowadays, solar street lights have been installed in most rural areas of our country.
With the advent of winter, haze weather is frequent. During the recent period of time, a large area of u200bu200bour country has been under smog weather. The haze is mainly composed of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and inhalable particulate matter. They are combined with the fog to make the sky gloomy and dark in an instant. So what impact will continuous haze weather have on the use of solar street lights? Next, the editor of the solar street light manufacturer will briefly talk about this issue.

.Causes the solar street light to light up for a short time or even not light up.
The haze weather is equivalent to rainy weather. If the solar street lamp configuration is not very high, the solar panel is exposed to the sun for a short time and absorbs very little light energy, resulting in insufficient power of the solar battery. This will cause the solar street lamp to turn on for a shorter time, and the solar street lamp will not turn on under the continuous fog and haze weather.
.Affect the charging efficiency of solar panels.
In the foggy weather, there is more dust in the air. After the haze weather, the surface of the battery panel will be covered by dust. In the continuous haze weather, the dust on the surface of the battery panel accumulates more and more, which prevents the solar battery from absorbing light energy, thereby affecting the power generation efficiency.

Continuous haze weather will cause the above two kinds of adverse effects on the use of solar street lights, so how can we avoid it? Solar street light manufacturers give the following two suggestions:
.For smog-prone areas, try to choose high-profile solar street lights. The configuration is high and the battery capacity is large. Under the same light source power, the light-on time will not be shortened, and the number of continuous rainy days can also be longer. It can keep the light on normally even in several consecutive haze weather.
.The solar panels should be cleaned regularly under continuous haze weather to wipe off the dust on the surface of the panels to avoid affecting the efficiency of the solar panels to absorb light energy.

In short, I want to say that whether it is haze or normal weather, we must regularly maintain solar street lights, and we will work together to build a beautiful new countryside.

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