What factors affect the spacing of LED street lights-ALLTOP-img

What factors affect the spacing of LED street lights?

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13

During this period of time, many customers have inquired about how many meters is the distance between our LED street lights? In fact, there is no standard reference answer for the installation spacing of LED street lights. There are many factors that affect the installation spacing of LED street lights. What are the specific factors that affect it? Today, the editor will tell you about this problem, so that you can learn to set a reasonable distance between LED street lights.

1. The height of the street light pole.

The height of the street light pole will directly affect the distance between the LED street lights. The higher the height of the street light pole, the larger the distance between the LED street lights, and vice versa, the smaller. Because the height of the street lamp pole is higher, the range of its illumination is larger, and the lateral distance of the illuminated ground is larger, so the distance between led street lamps should be increased reasonably at this time. For a very simple example, compared with a meter LED street light, we can easily see that the light area of u200bu200bthe meter street light is smaller than the light area of u200bu200bthe meter street light, so the installation spacing of the meter LED street light should be more Small, to ensure the overall lighting effect.

2. LED street lamp power

The power of led street light is also a factor that affects its installation spacing. In the case of the same height, the greater the power, the greater the distance between led street lights should be set. Generally, in order to have a better lighting effect, the smaller the power, the smaller the distance.

The spacing of led street lights is mainly affected by the above two spacings. Finally, the editor of led street light manufacturers will directly talk about the distance between conventional led street lights of several heights and powers. The distance between Wled street lights is ~ meters, the distance between meters Wled street lights is between meters and meters, and the distance between meters Wled street lights is between meters and meters. The distance between Wled street lights is meters.

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