What are the precautions for purchasing and installing garden lights?

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13

Garden lights are also very familiar to many friends, especially in recent years, with the continuous improvement of people's living standards, more and more friends will choose to install garden lights. It can be said that there are many types of courtyard lights. In addition to European style courtyard lights, there are classical courtyards, etc. So what are the matters needing attention when purchasing and installing courtyard lights? Today, the editor will give you a brief introduction.

The purchase of garden lights
、Look at the courtyard style
When choosing garden lights, look at the style of the courtyard. If the style of the courtyard is simple and modern, then when making the choice, choose such a simple courtyard. light. But if you have some private villas, you can choose some classical or European-style courtyard lights when choosing, which can better reflect the elegance and taste of the villa owner, and the overall look, the effect is also very good Ok.
, look at the color temperature of the garden lights
In addition to looking at the overall style of the courtyard light when choosing a courtyard lamp, you must also pay attention to the color temperature of the courtyard lamp. Generally speaking, when choosing the color temperature, you must also look at the color temperature. Don't be too cold, it is best to choose some soft and warm color temperature.

Installation of garden lights
When the garden lights are arranged, they also need to be arranged according to a certain plan. It is best to arrange them according to the size of the road, and the ones that cannot be installed are too concentrated. Also pay attention to the distance between the lights If it is too concentrated, it will make people feel very uncomfortable, and it will also cause a waste of resources.
The purchase and installation of garden lights are probably the case. If there is a need, then you may wish to refer to the above items to make a reasonable purchase and installation.

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