What are the new opportunities for the lighting industry in B2B New Year-ALLTOP-img

What are the new opportunities for the lighting industry in B2B 'New Year?

by:ALLTOP      2020-03-18
In recent years, with the Internet, the introduction of policies, the imbalance between supply and demand in many industries, and the push of capital, all kinds of B2B e-commerce businesses have sprung up. Some professionals believe that in the economic crisis, the LED lighting market, which has been in a downturn, should take advantage of the economic recovery opportunity to vigorously adjust the industrial structure and innovate the marketing model. Under the background of economic and industrial transformation, the development of China's B2B e-commerce industry will remain hot in the future. B2B network marketing mode will also become a powerful engine to promote the development of the lighting market. Obviously, 2016 is still the new year of B2B in major industries. The main advantages of lighting industry in this mode are as follows: B2B e-commerce has become an important driving force for industry transformation. At present, the domestic economy has entered a new normal in an all-round way. The Economic Growth Mode of all walks of life has also shifted from factor-driven to innovation-driven. Reform and upgrading have become a new trend in the economic development of many industries. Therefore, the innovation of the supply side and the reform and upgrading of the industrial structure have brought new strategic opportunities to the development of domestic B2B lighting e-commerce. B2B lighting e-commerce helps enterprises improve circulation efficiency, reduce circulation costs and expand market channels by optimizing industrial structure, improving social resource allocation and other new technologies, new models and new demands, it can not only help enterprises save costs and reduce risks, but also rapidly improve the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises. For example, in 2013, in order to focus on the core business, Siemens group split and listed the century-old lighting brand Osram independently, but Osram suffered from the challenge of fierce competition in the lighting industry after listing, therefore, the Siemens group decided to split it again and only retain the core and competitive business. Through this transformation, Osram's core business will be in the three major markets of vehicle lighting, smart lighting and LED components in the future, which reveals that Osram will lock in the B2B market with high gross profit and high technology threshold. It can be seen that B2B e-commerce has become a key step in the transformation and upgrading of the lighting industry structure. B2B has become the new favorite of capital. In the past 2015, money in the capital market tends to flow to B2B. Under the background of consumption upgrading, how do producers and manufacturers guide consumers' needs and create needs, the fundamental innovation is to truly transform products, use data, use consumer contacts, use insight, and reconstruct the entire production supply chain. With the penetration of the Internet, especially the arrival of the mobile Internet, B2B is no longer limited to the seemingly simple information publishing and trading platforms, now more is to optimize the industry chain, improve the efficiency of industry circulation and match transactions. According to data from Analysys Think Tank, in 2014, China's e-commerce B2B market reached 8. 5%. 8 trillion yuan, an increase of 23. 6; To 2016, China Electronic Business B2B market trading scale is expected to reach 15. 2 trillion, up 32 from the previous month. 8. B2B has become the new favorite of capital. Last year, Panasonic group, which has successfully realized B2B strategic transformation, has demonstrated creativity in various related fields. New Panasonic Electric (China) Okazawa Yingjun, chairman of the company, believes that in 2018, when Panasonic was established for a hundred years, it will target sales of 10 trillion yen, of which B2B will maintain a proportion. In the future, further cultivation of the B2B field will become the main driving force for Panasonic. In China, we will also further devote ourselves to the development of B2B business. It can be seen that the reform and development of any industry cannot be separated from following the trend of the times, and the LED industry that wants to transform and upgrade under the new economic form is no exception.
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