vigilance detects rs 14.68 cr fraud in solar light purchase …

by:ALLTOP      2019-11-21
MUZAFFARPUR: in his final investigation report to vigilance SP, the Muzaffarpur vigilance DSP of Vijay Pratap Singh found the corruption of Rs 14.
68 crore purchased solar lighting equipment in the area between 2006 and 2010.
Vigilance DSP found that solar lighting equipment was purchased at an excessive price.
The state government has set the price at RS 28,100 per unit, but the purchase price ranges from Rs 49,000 to RS 72,000.
Through his letter 869 dated 1. 8.
13. The inquiry officer believed that half of the DM Anand Kishore at that timea-
More than a dozen BDOs of Aurai, Gaighat, Bochaha, Bandra, Kurhani and Mushahari and 225 mukhiyas and panchayat secretaries in similar numbers
Investigators found that the then DM had issued a bank cheque of RS 99,600 to the Shree Ram Electric solar lighting store for the supply of two solar lighting devices on the 1 Th. 8.
It is 2008 higher than the price set by the government.
It was also found that nearly 18 stores were found to be fictional because they were either not
They have provided the equipment, or have refused.
During the 12 program, these solar lighting units are installed in different panchayats in the area.
Local lawyer Sudheer Kumar Ojha filed a complaint petition with the local alert court on April 20, 2010 alleging that his case number waswas 5110.
The court directed the alert SP to investigate the matter and the SP directed the DSP to investigate the matter.
Vigilance DSP sent an interim report to the SP on February 1, 2013 as there was no
Availability of files.
Once the relevant documents are provided, he sends the final report to the SP.
The next date of the case is set for August 7.
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