Uncle, Melbourne bay St Kilda restaurant lighting design-ALLTOP-img

Uncle, Melbourne bay St Kilda restaurant lighting design

by:ALLTOP      2020-12-03
Uncle, leisure in the gulf of St Kilda in Melbourne is a Vietnamese restaurant, USES the local procurement of raw material production to provide traditional Vietnamese food, there is also a highly emotional appeal of small bar. The design of the restaurant respect the amorous feelings of southeast Asia, and Vietnam. Vietnamese cuisine has five factors of taste: sweet and sour, salty.
in the design, using the ancient Chinese elements and concept of basic water fire and earth to achieve balance and harmony. The restaurant is divided into two areas, bright plain dining area upstairs and downstairs dark low-key bar area. In the dining area, lumber primary colors, white, grey color, green to bright yellow color, tableware and accessories that bright and the colour of profusion color as the ornament. The restaurant has the atmosphere of joy letting a person.

editor: gather
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