Twelve characteristics of unique advantages of Chinas LED lighting-ALLTOP-img

Twelve characteristics of unique advantages of China's LED lighting

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-07
Energy-saving sustainable development is no longer a selective issue, but a necessary way for the future development of the world today. The replacement of traditional light sources with new light sources represented by LEDs is triggering a huge change in the lighting industry. This new light source lighting product is constantly being updated and updated under the drive of ** technology. From incandescent lamps to energy-saving lamps, halogen lamps to LED lamps, lighting products have achieved energy-saving upgrades, and at the same time, they have also been better improved in comfort. , The lighting effects are more diverse. As a representative of green energy-saving light sources, LED lighting has become a hot spot in the industry with market potential. Compared with light sources with more mature technologies, what advantages does LED have? //./ QQ mobile

(1) Energy saving: Almost all the spectrum of LED is concentrated in the visible light frequency band, and its luminous efficiency can reach -%. The author also compared LED with ordinary incandescent lamps, spiral energy-saving lamps and T three-primary fluorescent lamps. The results show that the luminous efficiency of ordinary incandescent lamps is lm/w, the life is less than hour, and the luminous efficiency of spiral energy-saving lamps is lm/ w, life is less than hours, T fluorescent lamp is Alm/w, life is about hours, and white LED with a diameter of millimeter is -lm/w, life can be more than hours. Someone also predicts that the upper limit of LED life will be infinite in the future.

(2) Safety and environmental protection: LED's working voltage is low, mostly .-V; ordinary LED working current is only mA, and ultra-high brightness is not even A. In the production process of LEDs, do not add 'mercury

(3) Fast response speed: The response frequency fτ of LED is related to the lifetime τmc of injected minority carriers. For example, LED made of GaAs material, whose τmc is generally in the range of -ns, the response frequency is about -MHz , Such a high response frequency is sufficient for displaying .MHz video signals, which is also one of the key factors for realizing large video LED screens.

At present, the lowest response time of LEDs has reached microseconds, generally a few milliseconds, which is about the response time of ordinary light sources. Therefore, it can be used in many high-frequency environments, such as car brake lights or status lights, which can shorten the braking time of vehicles behind the car, thereby improving safety.

(4) Long service life: The LED is small in size and light in weight, and the outer shell is epoxy resin encapsulation, which not only protects the internal chip, but also has the ability to transmit light and condense light. The service life of LED is generally between 10,000 and 10,000 hours, because LED is a semiconductor device, even if it is frequently switched on and off, it will not affect the service life. At present, household lighting mainly uses incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps and energy-saving fluorescent lamps.

(5) High luminous efficiency: the luminous efficiency of incandescent lamps and halogen lamps is -lm/w (lumens/watt), the luminous efficiency of fluorescent lamps is lm/w, and the luminous efficiency of sodium lamps is lm/w. Most of the power consumption becomes heat loss. The light efficiency of LED can reach -lm/w after improvement, and the light has good monochromaticity, narrow spectrum, and can directly emit colored visible light without filtering.

(6) Small size of LED components: It is more convenient for the arrangement and design of various equipment, and can better achieve the effect of 'only the light but not the light source' in the night scene lighting.

(7) High concentration of LED light energy: concentrated in a smaller wavelength window, with high purity.

(8) LED luminous directivity is strong: the brightness attenuation is much lower than that of traditional light sources.

(9) The LED can be driven by low-voltage direct current: it has the advantages of small load and weak interference, and lower requirements for the use environment.

(10) It can better control the composition of the luminous spectrum: it can be used for local or accent lighting in museums and exhibition halls.

(11) The size of the semiconductor light-emitting layer and the forbidden band width of semiconductor materials can be controlled: thereby emitting light of various colors with higher chroma.

(12) High color rendering: no harm to human eyes.

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