Traditional lighting will die without transformation (LED explosion-proof lights)

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-07
Traditional lighting will die without transformation (LED explosion-proof lamps) The country vigorously promotes energy-saving lamps. What are the advantages of energy-saving lamps compared to incandescent lamps? Compared with traditional lighting fixtures, energy-saving lamps have incomparable advantages. They almost integrate the advantages of various traditional light sources and are suitable for various traditional light source applications. It has low heat generation, low power consumption (incandescent lamp/, fluorescent lamp/), long life (up to tens of thousands of hours, higher than traditional lamps-times), good color rendering, fast response speed, no flicker, no The advantages of eye injury, small size, flat packaging, thin and short products. China is a big country in the production and consumption of lighting products, and the output of energy-saving lamps and incandescent lamps ranks first in the world.  Everything has two sides. When the policy was introduced, some people questioned. Is it true that tile must be more energy-efficient than tile? Maybe it's just a simple replacement of a watt energy-saving lamp, the effect is not necessarily better than that of a watt incandescent lamp.  According to estimates, China’s electricity consumption for lighting accounts for about% of the entire society’s electricity consumption. If high-efficiency lighting products are used to replace incandescent lamps, the potential for energy saving and emission reduction is huge. Taking a family as a unit, if the lighting produced by a one-watt incandescent bulb can roughly meet family life, and a one-watt energy-saving lamp can meet the same lighting, but if it is replaced with a higher-tech LED, it probably only needs. Mostly watts. One is watts and the other is watts. If you replace all incandescent lamps with LEDs, you may only need to pay for electricity. LED bulbs are still relatively expensive, but their lifespan is also very long, which can be used for tens of thousands of hours. In such a long process of tens of thousands of hours, a single bulb may save a small mountain of coal.
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