The second urban lighting construction award in 2014 is now being declared-ALLTOP-img

The second urban lighting construction award in 2014 is now being declared

by:ALLTOP      2020-01-10
Recently, the reporter took the lighting award from China- The office of the organizing committee of the urban lighting Construction Award learned that the second urban lighting construction award in 2014 is now being declared. The China Lighting Award is an important award in China's lighting field established by the China lighting society and officially approved by the National Science and Technology Award Office. The urban lighting Construction Award is an award added by the China Lighting Award in 2013 and is jointly sponsored by Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi 'an, Nanjing, Urumqi, Suzhou and other cities. The purpose of this award is to commend the implementation of the 'regulations on urban lighting management' promulgated by the Ministry of Housing and Construction, the implementation of urban nightscape lighting planning, and the vigorous promotion of advanced concepts of green lighting, innovative design, energy conservation and environmental protection, at the same time, cities or regions that have achieved better social and economic benefits in sustainable lighting development. It is understood that the first urban lighting construction award in 2013 will be awarded three awards: Award, Progress Award and organization award. The cities that won the awards were Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing, and the cities that won the organization awards were Nanjing, Xi 'an, Urumqi, Hangzhou, Shenyang and Suzhou. The organization award is a special category of awards, which aims to recognize the outstanding organizations in the process of award declaration, selection and award.
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