The development of LED lighting industry will grow rapidly in 2014-ALLTOP-img

The development of LED lighting industry will grow rapidly in 2014

by:ALLTOP      2020-01-28
Foshan Lighting released its 2013 annual report and 2014 quarterly report. [Img] /Uploads/allimg/140527/35-14052G11509108. Jpg [/Img] Foshan Lighting realized a revenue of in 2013. 2. 7 billion yuan, up year on year. 75, net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies 2. 5. 2 billion yuan, down year on year. 96, EPS is 0. 26 yuan, net profit after deduction of 2. 4. 7 billion yuan, up year on year. 93. In the first quarter of 2014, revenue reached 0. 7 billion yuan, up year on year. 31. Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 71. 35 million yuan, up 6. Year on year. 05. Revenue growth in 2013 was in line with expectations, mainly from overseas markets. Annual revenue 25. 0. 1 billion yuan, up year on year. 91, of which domestic revenue 16. 8 billion yuan, up year on year. 70, foreign revenue 8. 2. 1 billion yuan, up year on year. 35. Net profit in 2013 fell 36. Year on year. 96 is mainly due to less non-recurring income ( In 2012, the company sold Fuwan Lake Hotel, increasing non-recurring revenue). Revenue increased 28. In the first quarter of 2014. 31, slightly exceeding expectations, performance growth of 6. 05, slightly lower than expected, due to a decrease in non-operating income. Revenue in the first quarter was 0. 7 billion yuan, up year on year. 31. For the revenue growth momentum, Foshan Lighting summary comes from two aspects: 1)Traditional light sources and halogen lamps are in short supply, 2) Increase the investment of LED products, and the products with high cost performance make the company's LED products form a strong influence in the market. Gross profit margin increased by nearly 5 percentage points compared with 13Q1. Net profit was 71. 35 million yuan, up 6. 5% year on year. 05, mainly due to 13Q1 non-operating income of more than 40 million, while 14Q1 non-operating income of less than 1 million. The company's LED business will grow at a high speed in 2014: 1) In 2013, the company launched a series of LED fist products in due course, which formed an influence in the market with high cost performance and laid a solid foundation for the development of LED products in the next few years. 2) The company has established a four-wheel drive channel development model for distribution and wholesale, specialty stores, Project direct sales, e-commerce and retail. Rapid channel expansion is conducive to Happy Valley in the new round of LED lighting market.
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