The concept and development prospects of smart city-ALLTOP-img

The concept and development prospects of 'smart city'

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13
Since the concept of “smart city” was put forward, it has become a new hot spot for development research worldwide. In China, a new generation of urban informatization construction with the concept of smart city as the core has emerged. According to incomplete statistics, the country has already More than fifty cities have clearly proposed development plans for the construction of smart cities, and new types of lighting equipment such as smart street lights have been derived from the construction of smart cities.
Smart cities often intersect with regional development concepts such as digital cities, perceived cities, wireless cities, ecological cities, and low-carbon cities, and even with industry informatization concepts such as e-government, smart transportation, smart grid, smart transportation, smart communities, etc. Confusion occurs. The interpretation of the concept of smart city often has its own focus. Some believe that the key lies in the application of technology, some believe that the key lies in network construction, and some believe that the key lies in smart effects.
The concept of a smart city should be comprehensive and comprehensive. The vagueness of the concept reflects that the society's understanding of the nature and core characteristics of smart cities is not comprehensive enough. In practice, it has resulted from the construction of guiding ideology to architecture design. Deviations from the operating system and many other aspects in China are particularly manifested in the excessive emphasis on the construction of information infrastructure, but the lack of information integration and sharing and intelligent processing and utilization. This deviates from the original path of a smart city, reduces the efficiency of investment and construction, and loses the opportunity to achieve optimal development.

Therefore, a comprehensive and clear definition of smart cities is necessary. A smart city should be based on the integration of urbanization, informatization, and intelligence, focusing on improving people’s livelihood, saving energy, and promoting sustainable urban development. It should comprehensively utilize information technology such as the Internet of Things and cloud computing, and combine the existing urban Informatization foundation, the development process of comprehensively perceiving the city's resources, environment, infrastructure, industry and other factors. The future development prospects of smart cities can be seen, because smart cities are not only good projects that benefit the people's society, smart cities and smart light poles are also strongly supported by government policies, and the prospects are immeasurable.
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