The birth background of solar street lights-ALLTOP-img

The birth background of solar street lights

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13
In 1843, the first street lamp appeared on the streets of China. Although it was lit by kerosene, it was more sacred than moonlight in people's minds. Later, the street lights in the concession were changed to gas lights. It was transplanted from London, and the brightness is several times higher than that of kerosene lamps. In the eyes of pedestrians at night, it is simply the 'sun' at night. It was not until 1879 that China’s first electric light was finally lit up at the Ponte 16 Pier, equipped with a 10-horsepower internal combustion engine generating unit.
Entering the 21st century, 'energy saving and emission reduction' has become a global call for energy saving and has attracted much attention. Among them, lighting energy saving is a very important part of 'energy saving and emission reduction'. Traditional lighting brings about a large amount of carbon dioxide and other gas emissions, which will have an increasing impact on the environment. With the rapid development of urban lighting, the above problems will also More prominently, street lamps account for a considerable share of electricity consumption for lighting. Because of the long working hours of the lines and the huge energy consumption, it is imperative to promote green lighting. Ensuring that every lamp is lit on time and on demand, and can effectively save the electricity consumption of street lamps, extend the life of the bulb, and reduce the cost of maintenance and management is the goal pursued by a modern efficiency-based society. Therefore, the exploration and application of a new type of green lighting power supply is of great significance to the goal of greenhouse gas emission reduction. Solar energy is widely used in production and life because of its pure green, pollution-free, inexhaustible and inexhaustible characteristics. Therefore, solar street lights are spreading and developing in cities, rural areas, mountainous areas, coastal areas and other areas with sufficient solar energy.
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