System composition of solar lawn lights-ALLTOP-img

System composition of solar lawn lights

by:ALLTOP      2021-02-24
A complete solar lawn lamp system includes: light source, controller, storage battery, solar battery components and lamp body. [2] When sunlight shines on the solar cell during the day, the solar cell converts light energy into electrical energy and stores the electrical energy in the battery through the control circuit. After dark, the electric energy in the battery powers the LED light source of the lawn lamp through the control circuit. At dawn the next morning, the battery stops supplying power to the light source, the lawn lamp goes out, and the solar battery continues to charge the battery, repeating and cyclical work. [3] The controller is composed of a single-chip microcomputer and a sensor, which controls the on and off of the light source part by collecting and judging the light signal. The lamp body mainly plays the role of system protection and decoration during the day to ensure the normal operation of this system. Among them, the light source, controller, and battery are the keys to determine the performance of the lawn lamp system. The system pivot diagram is shown on the right. [4] Solar cell 1. The type of solar cell converts solar energy into electric energy. There are three types of solar cells: monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, and amorphous silicon. (1) The performance parameters of monocrystalline silicon solar cells are relatively stable, and they are suitable for use in southern areas where there are more cloudy and rainy days and insufficient sunlight. (2) The production process of polycrystalline silicon solar cells is relatively simple, and the price is lower than that of monocrystalline silicon. It is suitable for use in the eastern and western regions with sufficient sunlight and good sunlight. (3) Amorphous silicon solar cells have relatively low requirements for sunlight conditions, and are suitable for use in places with insufficient outdoor sunlight. 2. Working voltage The working voltage of the solar battery is 1.5 times the voltage of the supporting battery to ensure the normal charging of the battery. For example, you need 4.0~5.4V solar battery to charge 3.6V battery; 8~9V solar battery is needed to charge 6V battery; 15~18V solar battery is needed to charge 12V battery. 3. Output power The output power per unit area of u200bu200bsolar cells is about 127 Wp/m2. Solar cells are generally composed of multiple solar cells in series, and their capacity depends on the total power consumed by the light source, line transmission components, and local solar radiation energy. The output power of the solar battery pack should exceed 3~5 times the power of the light source, and it should be (3~4) times or more in areas with abundant sunlight and short lighting time; otherwise, it should be (4~5) times or more. [5] The storage battery The storage battery stores the electric energy generated by the solar panel when there is light, and then releases it when lighting is needed at night. 1. Type (1) Lead-acid (CS) battery: used for low-temperature high-rate discharge, low capacity, currently most solar street lights are used. The seal is maintenance-free and low in price. However, attention should be paid to prevent lead-acid pollution and should be phased out. (2) Nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) batteries: high discharge rate, good low temperature performance, long cycle life, small systems are used, but attention should be paid to prevent cadmium pollution. (3) Ni-H (Ni-H) battery: high-rate discharge, good low-temperature performance, low price, no pollution, and green battery. Can be used for small systems, this product should be vigorously promoted. Currently, there are three widely used lead-acid maintenance-free batteries, ordinary lead-acid batteries and alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries. 2. When the battery is connected in parallel, the imbalance between the individual cells should be considered, and the number of parallel groups should not exceed four. Pay attention to the anti-theft problem of the battery during installation.
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