Summary of lighting market development in various regions of China in 2015-ALLTOP-img

Summary of lighting market development in various regions of China in 2015

by:ALLTOP      2020-01-26
The professional market of lamps and lanterns is a unique distribution mode of lighting products in our country, and it is also an important sales channel of lighting products. A large number of lamp dealers and brands are concentrated in a special fixed-point sales platform, forming a never-ending lamp fair. Therefore, the investigation and study of the professional market of lamps and lanterns is helpful to grasp the pulse of the circulation field of lamps and lanterns in our country, and then provide reasonable suggestions to promote the healthy development of the industry. On 2015, the author conducted a survey on the major lamps and lanterns markets that have been opened in the country, this survey visited nearly 80 lighting markets in more than 30 cities in seven major regions of North China, Northeast China, Central China, Southwest China, South China, Northwest China and East China, the total annual sales volume of the investigated lamp market exceeds 50 billion yuan, and its radiation scope covers the whole country. On the whole, the overall operation of the domestic lamp market is relatively stable. The vacancy rate in most of the lamp markets surveyed is relatively low, and the monthly rent of shops is relatively stable, but the business and popularity are not as good as in previous years. Mainly due to the slowdown of macro-economic growth in recent years, the adjustment of the real economy, the regulation of the real estate market and the reduction of government projects, all of which directly or indirectly affect the domestic market of our lighting products; In the export market, the economic downturn has led to a shrinking demand, and the appreciation of the RMB has led to a decrease in foreign profits. Both inside and outside the market said the situation is grim. This survey also reflects this trend. The overall sales volume of most of the investigated lamp markets in 2014 was flat or even decreased compared with previous years, the market situation of lamps with radiation capability in a few key areas is relatively better. Relatively speaking, the original old lamp market has a superior geographical position, stable popularity and customers, more mature operation and management, and relatively perfect supporting facilities, but most of them have encountered upward bottlenecks and are under great pressure for development; The new lantern city has a more reasonable planning, a larger scale and development potential, but lacks popularity. At the same time, it faces a fierce competitive environment and is under great pressure to survive. The above is the overall situation, but due to China's vast territory and significant differences in economic and social development among regions, the development of the lamp market is also different. In the northeast region, Shenyang is the hub city of the lighting market in this region, occupying the main roads leading to the northeast region in other regions, it has large-scale lighting markets such as Zhangshi lighting city, Shenyang Shilihe lighting City, Xingshun lighting City, New North lighting City and Beizhan lighting city in Northeast China, and has strong radiation capability, it can radiate neighboring provinces such as Jilin, Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia. Relatively speaking, Heilongjiang, Jilin and Inner Mongolia have good trade environments with Russia, Korea and Mongolia respectively, but most of them are in operation in the middle and low-end lamps wholesale markets, lacking some specialized lamps stores, it is difficult to meet the changes in consumer demand and business environment. Compared with provinces such as North China and southeast coastal areas, the economic and social development level in Northeast China is relatively lagging behind, with low birth rate and outflow of talents, resulting in a cold real estate market and a lack of groups with strong purchasing power in the overall lamp market. This is also an important factor restricting the development of the local lamp professional market to a higher level.
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