Solar street light heart-ALLTOP-img

Solar street light heart

by:ALLTOP      2021-02-01
Now most of the urban and rural in China can be seen in the streets of solar street light, as a kind of ideal lighting equipment in modern society, it is expected in the future it will be more widely used, with the day endless

today, most of the urban and rural areas in China can be seen in the streets of solar street light. As modern society ideal lighting equipment, can foresee it will get more extensive application in the future, using the energy produced by the endless sunshine during the day, brings to the night light, bring convenience to people. Because of environmental protection and energy saving, solar street lamps so heavily promoted in our country. Let's make solar street lamps manufacturer shandong unique photoelectric technology co. , LTD. , for us to interpret the street lamp. Heart; Where is it? Solar street lights can work normally, can not escape from it. Heart; Mdashmdash solar panels. Only with it can absorb solar radiation energy into electrical energy, through the corresponding provide solar photochemical reaction and so on. Therefore, it can be seen that how important the position of the solar panels. In order to improve the service life of the solar street light, the first thing to improve solar panel manufacturing technology. In general, silicon material is used to make solar panels. This kind of raw material production process is complicated, has certain influence to the environment. Therefore, only advanced solar street lamp manufacturers to produce suitable for silicon solar panels. According to the classification efficiency of solar panels, they generally can be divided into monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon. In order to obtain better photoelectric conversion efficiency, had better choose monocrystalline silicon solar panels, which could increase a little cost. However, the use of the service life of the panel of solar street light much longer than ordinary products, and it also saves more energy consumption. In the long run, it is cost-effective. However, due to the cost problem, many for the new rural construction of solar panels are polysilicon.
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