Solar street lamps and complementary to the mains system Settings

by:ALLTOP      2021-02-01
Solar street lamps and mains complementary photovoltaic solar power lighting system design and mains complementary key technology in the design of lighting system is not solar battery and battery problem, but the mains under what conditions cut, where cuts; Mains

solar street lamps and complementary to the mains lighting system design
solar photovoltaic power and mains complementary key technology in the design of lighting system is not solar battery and battery problem, but the mains under what conditions cut, where cuts; Mains cut into the process of the influence of different light sources; In the solar photovoltaic power and complementary to the mains lighting system of the features of automatic open to turn off the lights and daily management of system.
3。 1 mains cut according to
in the solar photovoltaic power and complementary to the mains lighting system, only in the battery provided enough energy to drive the light source to make the utility under the condition of holistic cuts. How to judge whether a solar cell provides enough energy to drive the light source, is the key to the problem.
test battery voltage should be the most simple and effective method. Due to the light source of power is constant, the LED street lamp, basic constant discharge current of battery, solar photovoltaic system, especially the size of stored energy, can be reflected in the terminal voltage of battery, so you can take a test battery terminal voltage to control the utility of cuts. For lead-acid battery, 12 v system generally choose when the battery voltage to 11 v, when it gets dark street lamp powered by solar photovoltaic transferred to the mains; If it is a 24 v system, the battery voltage to 22 v when transferred to the mains.
3。 The choice of two grid point
solar photovoltaic power and complementary to the mains lighting system mainly has three kinds of structure:
3. 2.
1 battery charged supplement form the characteristics of the solar photovoltaic power and utility the complementary form is continuous rainy days when solar photovoltaic power, directly by the mains to battery, battery can always keep a day in the state of power supply, extend battery life can be great. This kind of solar photovoltaic power and complementary to the mains in technical difficulties is the judgment of mains cut time; In the process of solar street lights work, not as long as the stored energy shortage is need for battery charging directly by the mains, this need according to the capacity of AC/DC charger, estimate how much battery power shortage, combined computing grid into the time in the daytime. , of course, also can design can be in night for battery charging, while at the same time to the light source discharge form, so that the capacity of AC/DC charger, must be more clearly is not reasonable. Reasonable approach is controlled by single chip computer automatic, as small as possible by a capacity of AC/DC charger for battery supplement, its block diagram is shown in figure 1, single chip computer in the system is working continuously all battery voltage and time for testing, when a computer is judge this day, by the solar cell power is not enough to meet the needs of the night lighting, AC/DC charger at the appropriate time to start supplemental rechargeable battery. The disadvantage is that the structure of control system is more complex, if the battery fails, the system will not be able to run.
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