Solar outdoor garden lights lamp battery failure how to deal with-ALLTOP-img

Solar outdoor garden lights lamp battery failure how to deal with

by:ALLTOP      2021-02-01
As is known to all, there are many factors that can affect the service life of the solar street light, the battery is one of the, what should we do with the solar street light battery failure? Affect the service life of the battery solar street lamps mainly has the following three points: 1, the environmental

it is well known that affect the solar street lamps Solar street light is a crystalline silicon solar battery power supply, valve control type sealed and maintenance-free battery ( Gel battery) Store electricity, super bright LED as light source, lamps and lanterns and controlled by the intelligent charging and discharging controller, is used to instead of the traditional public power lighting lamps. 】 Factors are many, the service life of battery is one of them, then the battery solar street lamps 【 Solar street light battery is a battery in the application of solar street lights, solar street light battery is used to produce solar cell components of electricity storage, when light is insufficient or another new energy street lamp, night lighting. 。 。 】 What should we do with a failure? Affect the service life of the battery solar street lamps mainly has the following three points: 1, the temperature of the environment in general, solar street light on the battery life will be decreased with the rising of temperature. The poor quality of some of the battery service life after the temperature rise rapidly reduced, some even use less than a year will be damaged. Yangzhou solar street lamps manufacturer will battery embedded in the soil, to ensure that the 20 degrees Celsius temperature state, lowered the influence of the environment to a minimum. In addition to the battery for nanotechnology 【 Nanotechnology, 纳米技术) , it is made of single atoms, molecules of material science and technology, the structure size in 0. 1 to 100 nm range of material properties and applications. 】 The processing of waterproof breathable, average service life can reach more than 5 years. 2, the depth of the discharge according to the load power, storage battery every time put electricity accounts for its total quantity is less, then the battery life will be longer. Generally every time out thirty percent of the total capacity of the power of the service life of the product in 4 ~ 5 years. The battery used by every accounts for only 20% of the total discharge less than, greatly extend the cycle of the battery. 3, charging the battery in time and keep enough, if we often appear to charge less than electricity, or didn't put much, then the battery is easy to damage. Solar street light battery common faults and processing methods: 1, the common faults: battery commonly used battery into control valve seal battery and solar street lamps stationary lead-acid battery' Lead-acid batteries, VRLA) , it is a kind of electrode is mainly composed of lead and its oxide, electrolyte battery is a sulfuric acid solution. 】 。 The common fault of valve-control sealed battery shell cracking, a column' Directly connected to the bus at one end, and the other end, or with external conductor connection ( In this case also known as terminals) , or one of the poles in adjacent monomer battery and battery pack connected components. 】 Fracture, screw fracture, leakage, bilge gas and irreversible sulfate, battery internal short circuit; Stationary lead-acid battery common failures have shell cracking, water loss rate is high, frosty ice, irreversible sulfate, etc. 2, the processing method: this battery failure, can produce battery short time using low, this is because from the failure of battery capacity decreases for a long time. The FAULT light on battery here, in this case, please replace the battery in time, no choice.
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