Solar lawn lights have different lighting times according to climate changes-ALLTOP-img

Solar lawn lights have different lighting times according to climate changes

by:ALLTOP      2021-02-24
Solar lawn lights are different from ordinary street lights. They use solar cells as the only source of power supply. Due to the current cost of solar cell components, it is necessary to use efficient light sources in order to reduce the cost of the entire system. LED is a kind of semiconductor light-emitting equipment that can efficiently convert electrical energy into visible light. In recent years, LED technology has made a leap High luminous efficiency, and very long lifespan, LED uses low-voltage DC for power supply, safe and low light source control cost, so that it is no problem to switch light and dark, and switch repeatedly. So do you know how long solar lawn lights can last for lighting in different climates?   1. How long can solar lawn lights last in a rainy climate?    Solar lawn lights can be based on detailed application environment and conditions during consecutive rainy days. Customers need to design, generally when encountering successive rainy weather, they should also be satisfied with the lighting time of 5-8 hours a day;   2, how long can solar lawn lights illuminate in a sunny climate?   The lighting time of solar lawn lights can be based on the user The demand is set, which is directly related to the selection and ratio of solar cell components and batteries. Under the premise of determining the power of the light source, the greater the power of the selected solar cell components and the capacity of the battery, the longer the lighting time can be ensured, and vice versa. shorten. Standard system equipment should generally ensure 5-8 hours of lighting every day.
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