Shenyang Flood Control Command Center designated lighting factory brand mobile lighting vehicle ZSFW

Shenyang Flood Control Command Center designated lighting factory brand mobile lighting vehicle ZSFW6110

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-07
Shenyang Flood Control Command Center designated a lighting factory brand mobile lighting vehicle ZSFW. The manager of the company asked why the flood control command center appointed our lighting factory brand mobile lighting vehicle ZSFW. The flood control command center staff told me that the lighting factory brand mobile lighting vehicle is simpler to operate, but it is better than other manufacturers. The production function is more complete. First of all, there is a remote control lifting device, which can control the light on and off by remote control, and even control the lifting of the air rod, which is not achieved by ordinary small factories, and the cost performance is very high, and if the remote control is lost or absent At the same time, the control box can also be used to control the light's turn on and off, as well as the lifting function. Therefore, it has much better functions than the mobile lighting car at the same price on the market. It can be said that the price/performance ratio is the most superior. Therefore, it is the most affordable to choose a mobile lighting car with the lighting factory brand.
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