Say goodbye to incandescent bulbs, light up smart cities

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13
Sponsored by the National Development and Reform Commission, the United Nations Development Program, and the Global Environment Facility, my country is gradually screening incandescent lamps and accelerating the implementation of the energy-saving lamp project management office, and hosted by the Energy Conservation Service Industry Committee of the my country Energy Conservation Association (EMCA) 'Farewell to Incandescent Light Bulbs, Light Up Wisdom The 'city' project launch meeting was held in Beijing on the afternoon of August 8, 2014. The meeting was presided over by Zhao Ming, Deputy Secretary-General of EMCA. Lu Fang, Executive Director of the Office of “Selecting Incandescent Lamps and Accelerating the Implementation of Energy-saving Lamp Projects” in my country, gave a briefing on the activity of “Farewell to Incandescent Bulbs and Light Up the Smart City”.

   The National Development and Reform Commission, the United Nations Development Programme, and the Global Environment Facility jointly launched the 'my country Gradually Screening Incandescent Lamps and Accelerating the Implementation of Energy-saving Lamps' cooperation project. The main content is to study and propose a road map for my country to screen incandescent lamps and promote energy-saving lamps And special plans to accelerate the transformation of my country’s incandescent lamp manufacturers, and implement energy-saving lamps throughout.

   In order to improve energy efficiency, protect the environment, and actively respond to global climate change, according to the 'Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of ChinaIn order to further promote the implementation of the roadmap and actively mobilize cities to participate, my country is gradually screening incandescent lamps and accelerating the implementation of energy-saving lamps. The office specially launched this 'partition of incandescent bulbs, light up the smart city' city screening of incandescent green initiatives.

   'Farewell to incandescent bulbs, light up the smart city' city screening incandescent lamp launching ceremony is one of the sub-projects of 'my country gradually screening incandescent lamps and accelerating the implementation of energy-saving lamps'. The policy of this sub-project is to announce the proposal of 'Farewell to incandescent bulbs and light up the city of smart' on the basis of the pilot city screening of incandescent lamps in Zhengzhou, Henan in 2013, and the official launch ceremony will be held at the my country-ASEAN meeting in October 2014. . This project will select 15 cities across the country and jointly announce the proposal of 'Farewell to incandescent light bulbs and light up smart cities'. At the same time, in accordance with the energy of the State Council, priority is given to supporting energy-saving service companies to adopt contract-driven management models to help these 15 cities gradually screen Incandescent lamps, the promotion of high-efficiency lighting products, and the implementation of green lighting renovation projects, so as to further promote my country's energy conservation and emission reduction work, especially the development of green lighting work.

   At the end of the meeting, EMCA Deputy Secretary-General Zhao Ming made a brief summary and put forward: 'The selection of incandescent lamps and the promotion of energy-saving lamps are inseparable from the support and participation of cities across the country. Let us act together and actively leave energy-saving reductions. Row. For low-carbon, green development, for a better tomorrow!' [The above content is compiled and released by smart street light manufacturers for you]
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