Positive transformation of LED industry and exploration of new development model-ALLTOP-img

Positive transformation of LED industry and exploration of new development model

by:ALLTOP      2020-03-06
Innovation is the soul of a nation's progress and the driving force for the country's prosperity. LED lighting is an advanced green light source, which has brought light and good news to mankind. According to the road map of China's elimination of incandescent lamps issued by the National Development and Reform Commission, incandescent lamps were banned in China in 2012. The state spent 40 billion yuan on LED procurement and financial subsidies to enterprises. This year is a crucial year for LED lighting to replace traditional lighting. Experts predict that by 2015, the share of LED in China's lighting market will reach 20, driving the scale of the industry to reach 500 billion yuan. Judging from the development of the international industry, China's LED industry has become the main force of LED in the world. At present, LED lighting accounts for of the lighting market. It is expected that China's lighting market will rise to of the market in 2015. 3. The total market volume is close to 20 billion US dollars, and China's LED lighting market is showing a rapid growth trend. The development of China's LED industry is facing good opportunities. First, the state continues to increase its support for LED lighting; Second, China is a huge LED lighting market, and its own market demand provides a broad space for industrial development; Thirdly, the LED lighting technology is constantly maturing and improving, which is smaller than the international technology; Fourth, green economy will become the main trend of world economic development in the future, while LED lighting will become the main green industry; Fifth, the diversified development of LED lighting has become a trend, changing the single market development demand and the technology and scientific and technological content are greatly improving; Sixth, the management idea and profit model of LED lighting are changing. Three-dimensional marketing is coming to us. The e-commerce model is beginning to start, looking forward to the gorgeous turn of the management model. Innovation and Development is the fundamental way out for LED lighting enterprises. Adapt to changes in domestic and foreign markets, adapt to the development trend of the LED market, Rainbow otum (Hubei) As an enterprise promoting green lighting, Optoelectronics Co. , Ltd. has made innovations in the following aspects. Relying on strong technology to give full play to the advantages of the enterprise. The company cooperated with Tsinghua University to set up photoelectric laboratory and doctor's workstation; The plant light source laboratory was jointly established with Wuhan Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Huazhong Agricultural University; Cooperate with relevant technical teams in Taiwan and South Korea to carry out LED optical communication research. Create differentiated products with advanced technology. The LED lighting series products produced by the company are characterized by high technology, low cost, long life, environmental protection and high efficiency, we have independently developed products such as agricultural Series lamps, high-display lamps, LED light communication lamps and lighting control systems. Domestic technologies have filled the gap in LED products. Open up the market with an innovative business model. The company actively develops domestic and foreign markets. The business mainly adopts engineering Marketing, channel marketing, export and other business models. Focusing on government agencies, institutions, electricity, finance, transportation, industrial and commercial enterprises and other systems, product promotion is carried out in the modes of government procurement, EMC, BT, BOT and so on. The company establishes online shopping malls, uses network channels, participates in overseas exhibition activities and other forms to expand overseas markets, and seizes the international market by means of direct sales, undertaking overseas projects, OEM and ODEN. Drive EMC services with strong financial and operational strength. The company invested and registered energy-saving energy management Service Co. , Ltd. , obtained the qualification of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance for the record of energy contract management, and carried out comprehensive energy-saving technology, environmental protection technology development, design and related business consulting services. The company has reached a willingness to cooperate with domestic and foreign financial institutions, accumulated more than 5 billion yuan of operating funds, and implemented projects-Funds-Technology-Construction- The one-stop service management mode provides services for you to save energy, invest, benefit and share. To establish a LED Industrial Park to build a high-tech innovation base. In 2010, the company invested 0. 4 billion yuan to establish LED industrial park in Huanggang, Hubei, to carry out research and development, production and management services. This year, an LED high-tech Ecological Park was established in Hubei Tianmen industrial park to carry out research, development, production and management services for LED-related electronics industries. The company explores a new mode of research and development production, operation and management with innovative ideas.
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