Policy of LED lighting industry in 2013

by:ALLTOP      2020-02-08
China's lighting electricity consumption accounts for about of the country's electricity consumption. It is of great significance to promote the use of efficient lighting products. The full support of the government is an important driving force for the rapid development of LED lighting in the Chinese market. Since 1996, China has started to implement the green lighting project. In 2003, the National Semiconductor Lighting Project Coordination Group of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China was established to officially start the national semiconductor lighting project, which has been going on for ten years. : In February 20, a study released by UNEP showed that more than 25 billion tons of kerosene are used for lighting every year, and the cost is as high as US $ More than 23 billion without considering government subsidies. Replacing traditional oil lamps with solar lighting can produce multiple social and environmental benefits. UNEP pointed out that although the initial cost of adopting a solar LED system is high, the payback period is very short. In most countries, the payback period is less than one year. Central: on January 16, the General Office of the State Council on forwarding the provisions of the Green Building action plan of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the Development and Reform Commission to actively promote the energy-saving renovation of public buildings. To carry out energy-saving renovation of energy-using systems such as air conditioning, heating, ventilation, lighting and hot water in large public buildings and office buildings of public institutions, and to encourage the adoption of contract energy management mode for renovation. During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, complete the renovation of 60 million square meters of public buildings and 60 million square meters of office buildings in public institutions. On January 23, the Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the merger and reorganization of enterprises in key industries was released. The rare earth industry supports large enterprises to vigorously promote the integration of resources through joint, merger and reorganization with capital as a link, greatly reduce the number of rare earth mining and smelting separation enterprises, improve industrial concentration, and basically form an industry pattern dominated by large enterprises. In February 17, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine jointly compiled the 'semiconductor lighting energy-saving industry plan'. it is a guiding document for the recent development of China's LED lighting energy-saving industry. According to the plan, incandescent lamps for general lighting above 60W will be eliminated by 2015, and the market share will drop below 10; The market share of traditional high-efficiency lighting products such as energy-saving lamps is stable at about 70; LED functional lighting products have a market share of more than 20. In addition, the market share of LED liquid crystal backlight and landscape lighting reached 70 and 80 respectively. Compared with traditional lighting products, LED road lighting saves more than 30 electricity, indoor lighting saves more than 60 electricity, backlight application saves more than 50 electricity, landscape lighting saves more than 80 electricity, and achieves annual power saving of 60 billion kilowatt hours, this is equivalent to saving 21 million tons of standard coal and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by nearly 60 million tons. The great development goal of LED lighting energy-saving industry is to increase the output value by about 450 billion annually, reaching yuan in 2015 ( LED lighting application products 180 billion yuan). The industrial structure has been further optimized and a number of distinctive semiconductor lighting industry clusters have been built. Form 10 ~ 15 leading enterprises with core technology, more independent intellectual property rights, well-known brands and strong quality competitiveness.
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