Nokia teamed up with the Finnish government to create 5G smart street lights

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13
The Finnish local government recently announced that it will use 5G to build smart roads on a major trunk line in the west of the capital Helsinki. LED street lights equipped with base stations and antennas will form a 5G network, which will be used for self-driving tests and to reduce collisions with animals.

   It is understood that this road in Inkoo, southern Finland, is 31 kilometers long. The local government will cooperate with Karis Telefon and Tammisaaren Energia, while Nokia is responsible for providing smart street lights. The LED street lights developed through LuxTurrim 5G plan will be equipped with base stations and antennas to create a 5G network. There are 620 street lights along the entire smart road.

   Ingo Mayor Robert Nyman pointed out that the estimated infrastructure construction cost is 2 million euros, of which Business Finland has promised to sponsor. Once the plan starts, the road will also provide cellular car networking (C-V2X) for self-driving car testing.

   This smart road is also hitting an elk hot zone. There were an average of 17 hits from 2012 to 2015. In the future, 5G technology and large animal warnings will let passers-by know the existence of animals and reduce the occurrence of human-beast conflicts.

   In addition, LuxTurrim5G is also expected to conduct a three-month smart street light test in the summer of 2019 to support self-driving bus services on the road between the train station and Nokia headquarters. Due to the high frequency and limited signal strength of the small 5G battery contained in the street light, the light poles must be erected at intervals of every 50 meters.

   The first smart road in Finland was established in November 2017. At that time, the 10-km long road was equipped with sensors and designated the Aurora Arctic Smart Transportation Test Ecosystem.
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