Method for intelligent street lamp to realize automatic lighting control-ALLTOP-img

Method for intelligent street lamp to realize automatic lighting control

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13
The hardware functions of smart street lights are becoming more and more well-known. For example, the camera has the monitoring function, the electronic display screen has the advertised function, the one-button alarm has the function of urgent alarm for help, and the air detection has the function of detecting air temperature, humidity and air quality. The function of detection.

   There is another very important function of the smart street lamp, but few people know that it is its lighting control function. In terms of a city, according to statistics, the number of street lights in Jinan in 2009 was 82,535. Each street lamp is calculated according to 100W, and calculated for 10 hours a day, the daily power consumption is 82,535 kWh, and the annual power consumption is 30,125,275 kWh. The smart street lamp has completed the control of lighting time and lighting power. It can select the lighting time and the brightness of the journey lighting according to the lighting needs of the journey. Between 10 and 5 o'clock at night, the vehicles on the journey are less than 1/3 of other times, so the actual power at this time can be adjusted to a brightness of 50W. In this way, there are 8 hours of time at night, and if you work at half the power, you can save 33014 degrees of electricity every day. One can imagine the various energy savings saved in one year.

   So what does the smart street lamp go through to control the brightness of the light source? To complete the control of the light source, there must be a controller, and to complete the control of each street light, a single light controller must be installed on each smart light pole. Then the gathering controller transmits the data information to the control room. The control room adjusts the brightness of the journey lighting according to the journey situation.
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