LED's business performance was weak. Depp's annual net loss expanded to 2. 5%. 7. 2 billion yuan

by:ALLTOP      2020-01-02
Tech Pro technology release 2016 of performance turnover with than Growth 5. 9 to 2. 3. 3 billion yuan (Unit is the same below); Net loss expanded 41. 4 to 2. RMB 7. 2 billion; Loss per Share 4. 14 points. Among them, LED segment turnover decreased by about 25. 4 to 1. RMB 3. 8 billion. The decrease in turnover of LED lighting division is mainly due to the decrease in turnover of LED lighting products and accessories produced and sold. This is mainly due to the fierce competition among LED lighting manufacturers and the unfavorable market environment, which eventually leads to the decline in the prices of LED lighting products and accessories. The decrease in the turnover of the LED lighting division is narrowed by the increase in service revenue from energy efficiency projects. With the completion of the energy efficiency project, the service income increased by about 115. 6 to 20. 7 million yuan. The group has begun to provide its own maintenance services for one of the projects, so that the group can maximize the project revenue. All project contracts will last for 16 years and will contribute stable income and cash flow to the group. The group is still cooperating with other cities to seek the feasibility of energy efficiency projects. In addition, according to the sale and purchase agreement dated May 18, 2015 on the acquisition of FCSM, if FCSM reaches cumulative conditions in the fiscal years ended June 30, 2016 and June 30, 2017, the seller promises to pay the company up to 3 million euros (It is equivalent to about 1490 yuan. RMB 80 thousand)The total amount. On June 30, 2016, all accumulated conditions were met, and the seller had paid the company a contingent consideration of 1. 5 million euros. Since FCSM is currently ranked 10th in the second division league, FCSM is likely to remain in Group B from 2017 to 2018. The company is confident that it will reach all the accumulated conditions for the year ended June 30, 2017 and expects to receive a final contingent consideration of 1. 5 million euros. The turnover of professional football club branches accounted for about of the group's total turnover in 2016. 9. Broadcast revenue, match day ticket revenue and sponsorship and advertising revenue increased by about 171 year on year. 91. 4 million to yuan, which is due to the annual income in 2016 and the six-month income in 2015. As the performance and ranking of football clubs in 2016 improved compared with 2015, the income of football clubs in all categories increased.
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