LED indoor lighting, warm white light is better for health than cold white light-ALLTOP-img

LED indoor lighting, warm white light is better for health than cold white light

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-07
LED indoor lighting Warm white light is more beneficial to health than cold white light. The blue part of the spectrum in LED lighting can inhibit the body's production of melatonin, which can help people fall asleep. Devices such as smartphones and tablet computers usually use LED lighting, and the blue light they emit may inhibit the body's production of melatonin, which helps people fall asleep. The effect of orange light may be even more opposite to that of blue light: the subject wore orange glasses every night during a week and reported that they became 'significantly more sleepy.' The Journal of Adolescent Health previously published a study from Switzerland. The boys participating in the experiment were monitored in the laboratory. Like ordinary teenagers, they watched an electronic screen for several hours before going to bed every night. Devices such as smartphones and tablet computers usually use light-emitting diodes, or LED lighting, which often emit more blue light than incandescent products. Debra Skene, a professor of neurology at the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom, pointed out that TVs with LED backlights are another source of blue light, but their viewing distance is generally smaller than that of small screens such as mobile phones. Much far, the impact on the human body should be relatively small. 'Conceptually, anything that reduces blue light exposure at night will help,' said Christopher Colwell, a neuroscientist at the University of California, Los Angeles. 'I know that some gamers admire orange goggles. The research also pointed out that LEDs are becoming more and more popular for indoor lighting, but if you use it at night, the 'warm white' bulbs with less blue light are actually better than 'Cool white' light source is a better choice. If you cannot completely avoid using electronic products at night, then it is best to use a small screen instead of a large one; please reduce the brightness of the screen and keep it as far away from the eyes as possible; reduce the electronic products The time to read the information on the device.
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