LED display giants compete-ALLTOP-img

LED display giants compete

by:ALLTOP      2020-02-20
In the past two years, the growth of LED display screens at the end of the industrial chain has slowed down and the price war has been extremely fierce. However, the emergence of the new product LED small-pitch display in 2013 has rewritten the performance decline in this segment. With the release of small-pitch LED display orders, Liad, OTO electronics and Lianjian Optoelectronics's net profit in the first half of 2014 increased significantly year-on-year. LED small-pitch products grabbed the market. In last July, Liad released six large-size high-definition led TV products, setting off a dispute over small-pitch LED displays. Shortly afterwards, a-share listed LED display companies joined the small-pitch LED camp and successively launched related products developed independently. According to Liad's definition, LED small-pitch TV refers to LED display products with pixel spacing less than or equal to 4mm, including P4 and P3. 125, P2. 5, P1. 9, P1. 6, P1. 2 (The pixel spacing is 4mm and 3. 125mm, 2. 5mm, 1. 9mm, 1. 6mm and 1. 2mm)Such as LED display products. In the current mainstream large screen display technology, the market share of LED display accounts for about 48 of the overall display market, almost the same as DLP (Projection Display Technology Application)The market share of products is flat. The emergence and rapid application of LED small-pitch display products have broken the bottleneck of the current fierce price war and gross profit rate growth in the LED display industry and become a new profit growth point in the industry, the pattern of LED display industry has been further changed. LED small-pitch display screen was born, and the first impact was the large-screen display market using other technologies. According to industry insiders, LCD (LCD) At present, there are very few enterprises that can achieve more than 100 inch. LCD display needs to be solved by splicing, but no matter how good the splicing technology is, it cannot solve the gap problem. However, DLP technology is not as effective as LED small-pitch display screen, and it cannot eliminate the problem of stitching between display units. In view of this, the industry estimates that LED display is the mainstream of the city's display market at present and in the next two to three years. It is obvious that the demand for LED display will continue to grow in 2014. LED display giants competed for Liad's small-pitch led TV, with new orders of 0. 3 billion yuan in the first half of this year, confirming revenue of 1. 9. 2 billion yuan, an increase of 235 over the same period last year. 49. The company's small-pitch led TV revenue accounted for a new high, reaching 46. 56. Up to now, 115 small-pitch standard TVs have been sold. In addition, the company will also release LED small-pitch TVs for the civilian market in the near future. Thanks to this riad in the first half net profit 5399. 280 thousand yuan, an increase of 76. 02. Alto Electronics has also joined the small-pitch LED display camp and developed two products in the first half of this year, including 1. 0mm point spacing indoor ultra-high density LED display system and 3. 0mm point spacing outdoor ultra-high density LED display system, these research and development results have been recognized by customers, it was also partially applied to the 2014 Brazil World Cup football stadium and Fan Park, London Waterloo railway station, the 2014 France open, and the 2014 Geneva International Auto Show. In the first half of the year, the company's LED video display system revenue increased by 42. 82, reaching 1. RMB 0. 6 billion. Lianjian Optoelectronics achieved operating income of 33,951 in the first half of the year. 320 thousand yuan, an increase of 33. 79; Achieve net profit of 3102. 70 thousand yuan, an increase of 259 over the same period last year. 44. 2014 1- July the company Small spacing products sales contract amount nearly yuan which overseas contract amount of nearly 30 million yuan overseas Small spacing products market start volume were is last year the same period growth 30 above. It is understood that Lianjian Optoelectronics vigorously promoted the micro-density small-pitch LED display market in 2013. The micro-density small-pitch products have been widely recognized by customers, and the contract amount of micro-density small-pitch products in 2013 exceeded 100 million yuan. During the reporting period, the company continued to deepen the research, development, innovation and improvement of micro-dense and small-pitch products, and solved the common problems of unstable and black screens in the operation of LED small-pitch products. It is expected that micro-dense small-pitch products will achieve explosive growth in 2014.
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