LED bulbs continue to fall in June-ALLTOP-img

LED bulbs continue to fall in June

by:ALLTOP      2020-03-04
According to the market research institute TrendForce's green energy business office LEDinside's new LED bulb retail price survey, in June 2013, the price of LED bulbs in various regions showed a stable downward trend. The average retail price of LED bulbs replacing 40W fell slightly by 2. 7, come to 15. 6 US dollars, of which the price in China has dropped significantly. The average price of LED bulbs replacing 60W fell slightly by 1. 6, reached 23. $4. LEDinside said that the average retail price of LED bulbs replacing 40W showed about 2. 5% in June 2013. 7 fell slightly to 15. Six dollars. Among them, the price of June in the UK is 4. 4 fell, the original commodity prices fell steadily, and there were fewer new items this month. The average price of goods in Germany showed 1 in June. 3 Rise, the original commodity prices showed a small fluctuation, mainly due to the exchange rate decline led to price increases. The average price of goods replacing 40W in Japan is about 4. 2 decline, the original commodity prices have fallen steadily, and there are no new items in the region. The average price of goods in the United States was 5 in June. 4 fell, the original commodity prices basically fell steadily, and there were fewer new items this month. In June, the price of the Korean region showed a slight decline of 2, and the original commodity prices remained basically unchanged. The price fell due to the rise in the exchange rate. In addition, the price of commodities replacing 40W in China is 7. 5%. 9 fell, the average price reached 10. $2, the original commodity price fell, and no new items appeared this month. Commodity prices in Taiwan increased by 5 in June. Some of the original commodities, such as Toshiba bulbs, rose due to the end of the promotion period. There are no new items in the region. The retail price of LED bulbs replacing 40W and 60W in June 2013 the average price of LED bulbs replacing 60W in June was 1. 6 fell slightly, reaching 23. $4. Prices in various regions have basically shown a steady downward trend. Among them, the price in Japan in June showed 3. 3 fell to 21. 9 US dollars, the original commodity prices fluctuated slightly, mainly due to the price increase caused by the exchange rate decline, and no new items appeared in the region. The price in South Korea is 2. 1 decline, the original commodity prices have not changed, mainly due to the rise in exchange rates leading to price declines. In addition, prices in Britain and Germany showed 3. Respectively in June. 7/and 4. 2 decline, the original commodity prices in both regions have fallen steadily. The price in the United States is 0. 9 a slight decline, most of the original commodity prices showed a stable or downward trend, with fewer new items. However, the prices of 60W commodities replaced by China and Taiwan showed 2. 5% respectively. 1 and 0. 5 decline, the original commodity prices in the two regions remained basically stable or fell slightly, mainly due to the increase in the exchange rate, resulting in a decline in the average price. According to LEDinside's observation, in June, except for some commodities whose prices rebounded due to the end of the promotion period, most of the commodity prices in other regions showed a stable or downward trend. In China, local brands such as shangshun and BYD have successively lowered the prices of their products. Hongli Optoelectronics's lighting brand Ledia also opened an online flagship store in June and promoted LED bulb lamps at low prices. In Taiwan, after Toshiba put into the market with low-cost products, Philips also announced the launch of a new generation of light bulb series in July, a drop of more than compared with last year. LEDinside believes that the gradual warming of market demand in various regions and the improvement of consumer awareness have prompted international first-tier brands to speed up their pace in terms of price and product layout, narrowing the price difference with local brands in various regions. However, the low-price strategy of these leading brands, on the contrary, will have a strong role in promoting the market penetration rate of LED lighting, and will also intensify the competitive pressure of local brands. Therefore, a virtuous circle is gradually taking shape. The price competition in the LED lighting market has gradually separated from the vicious stage of sacrificing product quality to reduce costs and entered the real cost performance improvement.
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