Keep up with the times LED lights light up green lighting

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-07
Keeping pace with the times LED lights light up green lighting. At present, with the increasingly prominent global environment and resource shortage, as well as people's urgent requirements for sustainable development, energy conservation and environmental protection have become an inevitable trend of social development. In this trend, the quality and level of lighting has become an important indicator to measure the degree of social modernization, and has attracted the attention of international organizations such as the United Nations.   In my country, the 'green lighting' project with high requirements for lighting quality and level has a long history, especially during the 'Eleventh Five-Year Plan' period, my country has included the 'green lighting' project as one of the top ten key energy-saving projects. The emergence of LED lights at the Sunlight New Product Launch Conference is a huge advancement to this project. The launch of Sunlight LED lights can be described as advancing with the times, which will accelerate the elimination of inefficient lighting products. Shi Xiaohong, Secretary-General of the Domestic Lamp Standardization Committee, said that the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and relevant departments in my country will issue relevant standards for LED lamps. The LED industry will gradually improve and standardize. Enterprises will also compete with each other. Healthy competition is based on the natural law of 'survival'. Like sunlight lighting, lamps that can truly achieve 'green lighting' can conform to the inevitable trend of social development and be recognized by the market.   At this new product launch conference, Sunlight Lighting newly launched LED lights in various forms, including landscape lights, indoor lighting, road lighting, etc., which can be adapted to the needs of different occasions. Whether it is an airport, a cabaret, a bus, or a news studio, you can see that the sun-lit LED lights give full play to their role on the basis of energy saving and environmental protection. It can be said that this achievement of Sunshine Lighting is a response to the call of the energy-saving lamp strategy to 'take the Chinese people's own road   From the perspective of lighting history, LED lamps are another lighting source after incandescent lamps and fluorescent lamps, and are an important way to save energy and reduce emissions, and will play a more important role in the development of a low-carbon economy. The new LED product launched by Sunlight at the press conference is a valid proof that Sunlight is the 'leader of green lighting in China'. The two major advantages of 'energy saving' and 'environmental protection' are leading people to 'green lighting'. 'the road.
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