Japan adopts environmental protection points system to boost LED lighting-ALLTOP-img

Japan adopts environmental protection points system to boost LED lighting

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-07
Japan adopts an environmental protection points system to boost LED lighting * Nearly Japan has introduced an 'instant exchange' system, which will promote the development of Japan's LED lighting industry. This new system is a bit similar to the market points shopping promotion activities, but Japan applies it to the energy-saving and environmentally friendly LED lighting industry, attracting the active participation of the broad market, and jointly promoting the development of the LED lighting industry. The new system adopts the 'instant redemption' system, that is, when you purchase products that are targeted for environmental protection points, you can earn environmental points and redeem them on the spot. Secondly, when redeeming these environmentally friendly products in real time, the preferential policy of converting points into Japanese yen (usually converted into Japanese yen) will be adopted. As a result, points can be used to instantly redeem LED bulbs for the purchase of yen. Japan is the country that implemented the LED lighting policy earlier. In recent years, China has successively introduced a number of LED lighting policies, ranging from 'ten cities with ten thousand lamps' to MOCVD subsidies, from 'thousands of miles' to the construction of optoelectronic industry bases. Xu Liancheng, CEO of Zhejiang Yidianshen Lighting Co., Ltd., said that Japan is using practical actions to promote energy conservation and environmental protection, which is conducive to promoting the popularization of LED lighting. Xu Liancheng further emphasized that technology is not a factor restricting the popularization of LED lighting, technology can be improved, and the bottleneck that affects current research and development may be only temporary. Xu Liancheng believes that the current difficulties in the implementation of LED lighting products in China are: **, the product ** is insufficient and difficult to surpass. **, the acceptance of the people, because too many companies were driven blindly by profits in the early stage, a large number of inferior products flowed into the market, resulting in the discoloration of LED lighting in the minds of citizens, which seriously affected the later promotion. Third, the price issue. But this is a temporary difficulty, and with the improvement of technology, price will not be a problem. At present, the LED lighting industry is in full swing and is widely used in various occasions. “But in small and medium-sized towns, there is almost no publicity about LEDs.” Yang Guoqing, marketing manager of Shenzhen Ruijing Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., told reporters frankly that Yang Guoqing had conducted research on the rural market before, “high brightness, long life Energy-saving LED bulbs are still quite popular in the rural market. Although they are expensive, through clever promotion and dispelling everyone’s skepticism, small and medium-sized cities will be more likely to accept new LED lighting products.' During the early use of LED lighting, There are quality problems, and external negative sounds affect consumers who have just come into contact with LED lighting. 'Some end consumers are skeptical about the power saving and lifespan of LEDs! It will take some time to get the recognition of ordinary consumers.'
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