IoT lighting is an inevitable trend Smart street lights become a new window for development-ALLTOP-i

IoT lighting is an inevitable trend! Smart street lights become a new window for development

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13
With the continuous advancement of science and technology, urban intelligence has become a general trend. In addition, the state is currently actively supporting the development of 'smart cities' in terms of policies. Relevant data shows that my country has 193 'smart cities' pilot projects. As smart street lights are the best segmented entry to participate in the construction of 'smart citiesSmart street lights, Internet + Internet of Things, etc., these technologies are quietly changing people's lifestyles, bringing people unprecedented convenience and experience.
The traditional street lamp lighting system is that people adjust the light through the switch, and the smart street lamp system is the user based on the terminal module to transmit the signal to the control center software through electronic induction, and adjust the voltage and current amplitude of the circuit with the help of the controller. So as to realize the control of remote single lamp or multiple lamp switch, dimming, monitoring and so on.
In other words, street lights with intelligent control systems can carry more functions. Each street lamp equipped with an intelligent control system can have an independent IP address, and a single lamp connected to the network can realize functions such as precise geographic positioning, remote control, and operation status tracking, and effectively monitor road conditions and manage road public facilities. Street lights are combined with advanced technology such as big data, Internet of Things, cloud computing, and communication technologies to improve the ability to respond to urban public management, safety and emergencies, which will bring more possibilities for the future development of smart street lights Sex, this is the smart street lamp currently developed by electronics.
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