Interpretation of four misunderstandings of LED enterprises in E-commerce entrepreneurship-ALLTOP-im

Interpretation of four misunderstandings of LED enterprises in E-commerce entrepreneurship

by:ALLTOP      2019-12-16
As we all know, e-commerce has been unanimously welcomed by LED enterprises in the promotion of LED lighting due to its relatively new mode and relatively low cost of initial investment, which has also aroused heated discussion in the industry. Many enterprises began to explore how to transition from traditional channels to e-commerce. The author sorted out some misunderstandings that LED enterprises should avoid in e-commerce entrepreneurship, hoping that enterprises can avoid detours. Myth 1: as long as there is traffic, there will be sales traffic, which is the basis of e-commerce, but it is not that the sales volume will become better as soon as the traffic volume rises. It is the quality of the traffic that determines the sales volume. In order to obtain high-quality traffic, it is necessary to manage the traffic from different channels in detail, formulate different traffic strategies and conversion rate target values, and use different marketing methods, for example, the traffic from the rebate website Alliance uses promotional information to facilitate the purchase; Traffic from search engines or navigation websites is converted with accurate search content, associated recommendations, and rich category Center content. When developing the e-commerce model, LED entrepreneurs must filter out low-quality traffic that does not contribute to profits and value, such as those who only receive gifts or only purchase deep discount goods, avoid wasting server, logistics and customer service resources, and focus on those who hesitate to place orders in the goods, which requires efforts in search, details, categories, etc. Myth 2: offline retailers can do well online, offline retail goods can be experienced and immediately available, and temporary impulse purchases can be obtained through scene stimulation; Online retail has a large number of accurate marketing of customer information, and the speed and breadth of word-of-mouth marketing communication are not limited by region, time and shelf space. Therefore, LED enterprises must be treated differently at the marketing level of the two. LED products are more retail in e-commerce. In this regard, offline retail relies on brand effects, posters and print advertising promotion, using the environment and sales staff of the store to stimulate purchases. However, online e-commerce needs to obtain traffic through SEO/SEM, EDM, Internet Alliance, Portal advertisement, SNS cooperation, etc; At the same time, a large number of customer search, collection, purchase, and related product data and information can be used for accurate marketing to provide users with accurate recommendations. At present, LED enterprises choose more comprehensive e-commerce platforms such as Taobao Tmall. Myth 3: only one key point of customer experience for distribution and after-sales customer service can be grasped. One of the misunderstandings for online customer experience is that it is only necessary to do a good job of distribution and after-sales customer service. Customer experience is a comprehensive consideration, involving the richness of goods, sales price, timeliness of delivery, advantages and disadvantages of after-sales service, simplicity, convenience and ease of use of the system and user interface, etc, not just distribution and after-sales. There are many factors that affect the customer's choice and return purchase rate. LED enterprises need to pay attention to and detail in the development of e-commerce mode, and do not lose regular customers by one-sided treatment. Myth 4: The cost will naturally be reduced if the scale grows. Generally speaking, people will sort the sales volume through Taobao Tmall. Normally, LED enterprises will have more weight to negotiate after they grow in scale, and increased sales can help reduce procurement, logistics and marketing costs. However, what is easy to ignore is the emphasis on the expandability of the business model. When a business model cannot be expanded, the larger the scale, the higher the cost, and the cost reduction is far from expected. For example, in the residential area, the delivery point is built through property and security, which increases the time and cost of management. At present, the commonly used e-commerce mode of LED lighting enterprises is not perfect. Most of them enter comprehensive e-commerce platforms such as Tmall, as well as professional e-commerce platforms such as household and LED lamps, while a small part is self-built shopping malls. Most of the enterprises are traditional lighting, and there are still many misunderstandings about e-commerce. Moreover, through e-commerce platforms, prices must be very competitive. Therefore, the positioning of the brand or product must be very cautious, it is recommended not to follow the flow into the e-commerce. On the other hand, because the domestic LED lighting standards are not perfect and do not have executive power, many enterprises do not hesitate to sacrifice quality to fight price wars in order to occupy the market. This is a very dangerous signal, which will damage the entire LED lighting industry. All LED lighting enterprises need to position themselves and be cautious.
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