In 2014 LED lighting spell is pattern innovation-ALLTOP-img

In 2014 LED lighting spell is 'pattern innovation'

by:ALLTOP      2020-12-11
Now, 'profit pattern' is the comparison of the finance Fried hot a noun, it is not only the finance, the business owner and want to do business, the site is in chanting 'profit pattern'. Especially these two years weibo, WeChat hot, universal, qr code means that the rise of new profit pattern, with the decline of the profit pattern of the old.
LED lighting to do big business together is the mode of 'innovation'
'profit pattern' is a 'what things? '
'profit pattern' so fire, as a equip the consulting me, natural are concerned about, so use 'baidu' search, a lot of about the definition of 'profit pattern' came out, but the meaning that, a lot of interpretation have problems, or irrelevant, or look around him, or too thin to extract key, or highly summarized, etc.
all in all. Suggestions of the experts and scholars of all stripes, and no more than is the following seven aspects. Is my first ( If there are identical, by coincidence) 。 First,
your profit pattern of core products, have wide prospect of market capacity and continuous development. The development of the market capacity is too small, the project nature small space. Market development prospect of small ( Such as the sunset industry, such as traditional lighting) Growth space is small, then the project.
second, products ( Or service) The core force of competition is very strong. Your core product or service, the core competitiveness is the first, or the traditional product ( Or service) Updated version, in theory, has the incomparable competitive advantage.
the third, the project's profit ability is very strong, At least theory calculate) 。 Profitability is too weak to keep the project alive, not for the team to provide fresh blood - — Cash flow, nature won't be able to expand the scale of production or expanding.
4, want to have a scientific mechanism of profit distribution. Many theoretically calculate good profit pattern, because of the interest distribution mechanism is unreasonable, resulting in the loss of the core backbone and infighting, because of the lack of effective incentive mechanism, the team's cohesion, project also is in a state of half dead, at the same time, the loss of core members, virtually also made a lot of competition for himself.
5, need to be able to quickly copy. Project if unable to replicate rapidly the running mechanism, also can rapid growth, nature also can't do bigger and stronger. Lighting store, for example, if only in the form of revenue to do bigger and stronger, and even make the top brand in the area is also not profit model, because he couldn't copying multiple same stores in other areas also. Could you copy, have largely depends on the standard processes and practices. And the core of human resources to implement these standards.
6, need to be able to create barriers to competition. In this way can we not afraid of competitors to imitate and beyond. The source of competitiveness, however, is not limited to products, apart from the product, and the financing platform, incentive mechanism, service standards and soft things.
7, in theory, can attract vc or other financing platform. Because of profit pattern had more than six competitive advantage, so to attract all kinds of vc or listing, is a natural thing.
with seven criteria (' profit pattern' Mainly the front six) It will be easy to measure, we found that what is the profit pattern, which is not. Such as home appliances chain channels, such as ma ali system, such as KFC, McDonald's, etc. These are already mature and successful profit pattern, completely accords with the seven definitions of 'profit pattern'. But some of them are 'profit pattern' theory, such as now more hot O2O mode, was born a few large enterprises is inevitable in the future. There are also some successful profit model in theory, but practice, found that is not ideal, such as 'wu3 da4 lang2' baked wheat cake, once the fire for a while in the 'create barriers to competition', 'profit distribution problem', 'core competence' on the definition of profit pattern is not in conformity with the ShengBin son.
LED lighting lighting industry, some big enterprises, such as leishi, op, natural calculate profit model, but the two companies in the face of the market is fast changing, for them, seize the LED broad market capacity and development prospects, is opportunity and challenge.
'profit pattern' what's the use? I can only speak, he provides us with an effective thinking framework, when we self-employment or is about to start thinking about their project to be more fully. Or, as a bystander, judge others projects is more scientific and yourself.
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