How to solve the problem of flickering solar lights?

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13

The use of solar lights has brought many benefits to people, but solar lights are composed of LED lamps, solar panels, controllers and solar batteries. These components are all electronic components. In addition, solar lights are used outdoors, so various problems are prone to occur. Among them, some solar lights have the problem of light flickering. In response to this problem, the technicians of the street lamp manufacturers will teach you how to solve this problem.

Reasons for the flickering of solar lights:
1. Replace the street light fixtures. If the lamp is still flickering after replacing the street lamp, you can rule out the problem of the lamp. At this time, you need to check the line. It is very likely that the interface of the line is poorly connected.
2. The battery is undervoltage. Check whether the charging is not full. If the charging is not full, it is the reason for solar charging. First, observe the recent weather conditions and whether it can be charged for about hours per day. If the charging is only for hours, please rest assured to use it. In addition, check whether the battery is aging, the life of the battery under normal working conditions is years.
3. The solar panels are blocked. Check the surrounding environment of the solar panel to see if there are trees blocking it. And regular maintenance and sanitation cleaning, especially on dusty roads, should be cleaned once a year. Clean roads and communities, parks, and parks with relatively small dust once every three years to avoid affecting the charging effect.
Fourth, check the solar light controller. Check the flashing of the controller indicator, and find the cause of the fault according to the controller manual provided by the street lamp manufacturer. If it is the cause of the solar light controller, repair it as soon as possible.

The above solutions are only for the problem of flickering of solar lights. Of course, common solar lights will cause other failures. In fact, the key thing is that when we buy it, we must carefully distinguish its quality, don't be greedy for small and cheap, shop around, just buy it from a regular street lamp manufacturer.

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