How to ensure the stability of the brightness of LED street lights-ALLTOP-img

How to ensure the stability of the brightness of LED street lights

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13

With the increasing scarcity of global energy, the concept of energy saving and environmental protection has begun to take root in the hearts of the people. And because LED street lamps conform to the concept of energy saving and environmental protection, they have replaced the road lamps with high pressure sodium lamps as street lamp heads on a large scale in our country. LED technology is a technology developed in recent years. Many people worry that this technology is immature, which will lead to unstable brightness of LED street lights and poor lighting effects. In fact, buyers do not need to worry, LED technology is already very mature, as long as we pay attention to the following three components when purchasing, we can ensure the stability of the brightness of LED street lights.

.LED chip
The LED chip is a component that directly reflects the brightness effect. If the quality of the LED lamp bead chip is not good, it will not only lead to poor brightness, but also affect the stability of the brightness of the LED street lamp. Therefore, LED street lamp manufacturers should use LED lamp beads produced by brand manufacturers, and try not to use small workshop OEM LED lamp beads, because brand manufacturers pay attention to word of mouth, pay attention to service, and the production process is relatively mature, so the quality and quality must be Because of the LED chip bead produced by a small workshop of a different brand.
.LED street light drive power
The power of the LED street lamp power supply should be reasonably matched with the power of the LED light source. If their power is unreasonably matched, the phenomenon of unstable lighting will naturally occur. And we also have to ensure the quality of the LED street lamp power supply, try to choose the power supply produced by brand manufacturers.
Due to the large heat generated by the LED chip, the inside of the LED street lamp head must be used with a heat sink. LED street lamp radiator is an important factor affecting its brightness stability. This also requires the choice of radiators produced by brand manufacturers. We have to admit that their radiators have higher heat dissipation efficiency and emit more heat at the same time, so the stability of the brightness of LED street lights is higher.

Choosing the above three components can generally ensure the stability of the brightness of the LED street light. Of course, the price of such LED street lights will not be cheap, so buyers want to ensure the stability of the brightness of the LED street lights, do not pursue low-priced products, and understand that the quality and quality of products will not be cheap. Cheap, then there must be some inside story. At the same time, we also have to buy from a regular LED street light manufacturer, not a small workshop!

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