How to ensure the long service life of high pole lights-ALLTOP-img

How to ensure the long service life of high pole lights?

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13

The high pole lamp is a large-scale high-end lighting product. Compared with other products of the same type, the installation price is quite high. Therefore, the general customer is most concerned about the service life. Then, how can we ensure the high How about the service life of pole lights?

One, the main pole
Generally, a steel plate with a thickness of about .mm is used as the main material. When the lamp post is rolled to be thick, the solder joints will be blocked by the machine, and the welding position cannot be lower than the strength of the entire board. After the entire welding is completed, it is necessary to stop the galvanizing of the outer and inner surfaces. This process requires a good galvanizing worker, because the completion of this process directly determines the main pole in the coming years. Will not rust and a series of problems.
2. Landing system
The landing system is also one of the cores of the many accessories of the high pole light. The up and down movement of the light panel is completely dependent on this system. The two basic elements of the system are the wire rope and the hoist, but since the landing system is generally not used as long as the light source is not broken, it is difficult to say that the wire rope is broken even if the wire rope has problems such as aging.
Three, lamp panel and lamp holder
If you want to make the light source loaded by the high pole lamp rich and diverse, it can show all kinds of varieties and styles, it depends on the sensitivity of the lamp panel. But in the final analysis, it is a lamp, and you must have a lamp holder if you want to emit light. However, these are generally electronic paradigms, and it is difficult to judge whether it is good or bad from appearance, but because its light source is a sign of its price, it is particularly important to choose the quality of the light source. Generally, well-known brands are recommended.

Therefore, if you want to ensure the service life of the high pole lamp, you need to start with the above aspects, so as to make its life longer.

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