How to do the anti-theft work of solar street lights-ALLTOP-img

How to do the anti-theft work of solar street lights?

by:ALLTOP      2022-03-29

With the increasing shortage of traditional energy sources, the application of solar energy is becoming more and more extensive, especially in the field of solar power generation, which has developed into a mature sunrise industry in just a few years, including solar street lights. Now the application range of solar street lights is getting wider and wider, but at the same time, the behavior of thieves is becoming more and more rampant. Many solar street lights have been installed by thieves for a long time. So how to do the anti-theft work of solar street lights?

1. The cost of solar street lights is higher than that of traditional street lights, and the technology of street lights in terms of anti-theft and stability is not mature enough, so they should be erected in public long places or safer places in the city.

2. Select the control box and other materials of the solar street light that meet the standards and quality, and ensure that the installation of the solid parts meets the requirements during the installation process to ensure the sturdiness of the solar street light, which can also play a role in preventing theft to a certain extent.

3. The solar panel is also an important part of the solar street light. When using it, in order to ensure that the solar panel will not be stolen, professional manufacturers will add some automatic alarms when creating it. The device, once the solar panel is illegally disassembled, will remind the user to come to check because the alarm system is turned on.

4. To further confirm the safety of the battery, you can also install some security monitoring or alarm systems, you can pay attention to the use of solar street lights in real-time, and the alarm system will automatically alarm, find the first time, and manage solar street lights more conveniently.

5. Pay attention to the safety monitoring of the street light. In a place that is easy to be stolen, you can set up a monitoring system or install an alarm system, so as to know the usage of the street light in time and effectively manage the street light.

6. Select the control box and other materials of the street lamp that meet the standard and quality, and at the same time ensure that the installation of the firmware meets the requirements during the installation process to ensure the sturdiness of the street lamp, which can also play a role in preventing theft to a certain extent.

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