How much is the cost of smart street lights-ALLTOP-img

How much is the cost of smart street lights?

by:ALLTOP      2021-04-13
Smart street lights, also known as smart street lights, smart light poles, belong to a new type of multifunctional street light poles. It is also a pioneer in the era of big data development in smart cities in the future. But how much does such a high-tech street lamp cost? Can it be accepted by the current market?
Let's take the smart street lamp of an electronic company as an example to answer you. The main factor determining the price of a smart street lamp is the function on the street lamp. The more functions, the higher the price. Product functions are selected according to project requirements, and smart street lights are composed of modules with different functions. Fully equipped smart street lights, including car charging, camera, LED display, micro base station, smart lighting, one-key calling, environmental monitoring, wireless WIFI, etc. The current price is about 60,000 yuan. Basic functions such as low-end smart lighting, cameras, and LED displays are about 30,000 yuan. But this is only a rough price, and it depends on the quantity of the project and the degree of functional requirements. The more the quantity, the better the price.

Electronic company is a manufacturer company specializing in the research and development of smart street lamps, and is committed to being the promoter of the smart street lamp industry. I hope this price reference can bring you help, and welcome to inquire.

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